Crossbow quarrels (please spawn proof better) [Tango]

Start from the beginning

The red-sweatered hermit shoots him a concerned glance before turning to the fresh mobs running at them. A ravager lumbers in the back, gaping maw open in a growl as the pillager riding it yanks at the reins, levelling its crossbow at the players. The two exchange glances before they run back into the fray, giving Scar a reassuring thumbs up.

The waves are blurs as he fights past the pain of the bolt in his back. It scrapes against his ribcage, dripping blood as he spins, using his momentum to cut down a row of mobs. He breathes heavily as a ravager confronts him, thrusting with its large horns. The evoker on its back raises its hands and summons a cloud of vex, sending them to attack.

He dashes to the side, sprinting away from the screeching, laughing faeries. They pursue him relentlessly as he attempts to take shelter, cutting at and nicking his skin as he fends them off. The last one dies as an arrow plants itself firmly in the ravager's side, punching through its leather hide into its heart. It pitches over with a dying moan, sending its evoker tumbling. Grian leaps forward before it can recover and slices its head off its shoulders, leaving it to disintegrate.

"Tango-" Grian shouts warningly.

A crossbow's string snaps forward behind him, launching a second bolt at his back at point-blank range. It slams through his armour, breaking a rib as it punches through into his chest. The ravager looms behind him, casting a dark shadow as it moves its head, catching him on its horns and tossing him into the air. He hits the wall with a loud crack, collapsing at its base in a haze of pain.

The beast and its rider die before they can take another step, a mad combo from Grian and several well-placed arrows from Scar dispatching both rapidly. Tango pushes himself up onto his hands and knees, biting his tongue when the twin quarrels shift under his skin. His arms give out and he falls onto the bloodstained carpet, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

He reappears face-down on the bed in the centre of the ship, immediately crying out when the arrows in his back are jostled as he rolls onto his side. He sucks in a ragged breath, wincing when the default invulnerability from a respawn wears off. He swings his legs off the bed and sits on the edge, bracing himself before attempting to stand.

Grian places both hands on his shoulders and forces him down, using his body weight to keep Tango firmly on the mattress. "You're injured," he says flatly, his bloody sword on the floor a metre away. He pats Tango on the shoulders, then picks up the blade and wipes it off, resheathing it in his inventory.

Scar arrives, carrying a shulker box full of Tango's items. He places it by the bed, sitting on the top so he can't access his armour or weapons. Tango frowns at the pair, once again trying to get up. Grian pushes him down again, nudging him to the side so he can climb onto the bed behind him and inspect the wounds.

"C'mon guys," Tango complains, wincing at the flare of pain caused by speaking. "We need to spawn proof the ship before night time."

Grian looks up at the sun, then turns back to Tango, saying, "We've got an hour and an injured Tango. Priorities." His hand brushes against the shafts and Tango bites back a yell of pain, clenching his jaw and glaring at the carpet beneath their feet. "I'm gonna pull these out so you can heal," he warns, bracing a hand against Tango's back.

Tango clenches his jaw as Grian tests his grip on the bolt, wiggling it slightly. He squeezes his eyes shut, hunching over and hiding his face in his hands. Grian stops his work, tapping him gently on the shoulder. Tango opens his eyes, looking timidly into Grian's eyes. The hermit squints sympathetically, giving him an awkward side hug before returning to his work.

"Here, Tango," Scar says softly, taking off the leather sleeve on his arm that protected it from the snap of the bowstring when it sang its deadly song. He hands it to Tango gently. "Bite down on this. It'll help."

The blond nods resolutely, taking the leather and placing it between his teeth, clenching his jaw tightly in anticipation. He leans forward and braces his elbows on his knees, closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths. Grian lays his hand on his shoulder, asking a silent question. Tango nods, forcing his muscles to relax.

He inhales sharply when Grian pulls out the more superficial quarrel, discarding it to the side and pressing a piece of cloth to it. He counts under his breath, keeping the pressure steady for a minute before turning to the other one. Tango forces his back to relax again as Grian places his palm around the shaft of the bolt, bracing himself so it can come out smoothly.

Tango lets out a muffled scream when Grian yanks out the arrow, throwing it to the side as he applies pressure with another piece of cloth. It soaks through much quicker, so he grabs another piece, applying steady, firm pressure to help it clot. Tango gingerly takes the leather out of his mouth, handing it wordlessly back to Scar as Grian leans back, groping for the regeneration potion he keeps in his first aid kit.

"Nearly done here," he mutters, unscrewing it with his teeth. He begins with the deeper puncture, pouring the liquid slowly into the wound. It itches and pulls, his skin stretching and growing to heal over the wound. Tango breathes manually past the discomfort, breath hissing as the last of the tissue finishes healing.

Grian quickly does the same to the other wound, healing it much quicker because of its superficial nature. Tango breathes a sigh of relief as the last of the pain fades, reduced to a subtle soreness. He stands slowly, stretching towards the sky to ensure he has the same amount of mobility.

Satisfied, he pushes Scar off the shulker box containing his items. "Well, gentlemen? Are we going to spawn proof this ship or what?" he asks, striding over to a chest and grabbing a stack of carpets.

Grian grins broadly and joins him, while Scar trails behind sheepishly. The three of them scour the ship well into the night until the whole area is safe. They'll test the raid farm again in the morning. For now, they rest.


Awww, short and sweet! I low-key love serious Grian. It adds another facet to his complicated character.

"Anyways, if you're new here, please consider subscribing. It really helps the channel out a ton and I really appreciate it."

I have one (1) more day prewritten, then we're throwing the upload schedule to the wind and winging it from there. Bear with me.

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