23. Samuel Avongus

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Compared to the first day of class, the next few days were rather boring. I have been continuously training with the trio, and they have all shown a lot of improvement. Well, I shouldn't be surprised since they were the main characters. My strength and agility have also increased by one grade.

My subordinate Freya was also reporting on every activity of Nyx and Silas. Nyx's attitude completely changed toward me. She started greeting me every morning, much to the surprise of everyone in class. I didn't receive any more challenges since my fight during the combat class, and even Silas wasn't paying attention to me anymore. It was as if I didn't even exist for him.

I was surprised by his attitude because it was completely different from the game. There was a good chance my involvement with the plot was the reason for his change, but I still had a little doubt. Even Freya's reports of him were strange to me. In the game, Silas always gathered troublesome students around him and formed a group to get in the way of the strongest students. But this time, after class, he was always training or staying in his room.

It seemed that something more than my involvement has changed him, but I haven't gotten the opportunity to interact with him yet, so I tasked Freya to do a thorough check on everything about him.

Today was the fourth day since class started. It was already evening, and after my training session, I was waiting for Freya inside my flat. I was satisfied with her work, so I decided to reward her a little. I brought all her favourite snacks, which were currently being displayed on my living room table.

When I heard my doorbell, I immediately went to open it. Outside, I saw Freya, who was wearing a training outfit. I thanked Sylvia for bringing her to the 25th floor, and I let the blue-haired girl inside my flat.

"Wow, your residence is really big. So where is your private gym?"

"Why do you think I called you here?"

"You said you were going to reward me for my work, so it means you can finally trust me, and now you will have a real fight against me, right?"

"Well, it's true that I was satisfied with all the reports you gave me, but it hasn't been a week yet. I need more time to be able to trust you."

"Damn, I was really prepared to have a bloody fight today. But if we aren't here to fight, why did you call me? Wait, don't tell me you are that type of person."

Freya immediately took a few steps back and tried to cover her breast with her hands.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in that."

"Oh, now it kind of hurts my feelings."

"Why don't you take a seat first? I prepared some snacks that your race usually likes."

When I pointed to the sofas in the living room, Freya's eyes immediately saw all the snacks on the table in the middle. I could see that she wasn't in control anymore as she went directly to grab a snack and ate it slowly, savouring each bite.

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