19. Alex vs Nyx's subordinates

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At the back of the elite class, in the middle of the large space, stood three individuals. A short white-haired human boy was on the left, and two elves, a boy and a girl, were on the right. All three of them had a wooden bow in their hands and wooden arrows inside a quiver on their hips. Around them, seventeen students, four assistant instructors, and one half-sleepy instructor were watching without making a single sound.


I looked at the two elves in front of me. Despite being two against one, neither of them were letting their guards down nor were underestimating me. I could bet that Nxy ordered them to be extra cautious and to watch out for any tricks I could pull. Since it was an order from their future queen, both of them were going to take this fight seriously and go all out.

I could see Nyx's mischievous smile behind those two. She definitely doesn't expect her two subordinates to lose. Even as an extra, those two were definitely strong, around the same level as me right now, but compared to them, I don't rely on physical strength alone. It's the combination of my carefully picked skills that will make me the best.

Since I got my Hunter job and decided to start learning archery, I have learned two new skills.


[Quick Shot] (D) - Active

Increase the flying speed of an arrow by 12% of the user's total movement speed.



[Archer Escape] (D) - Active

Increase movement speed by 26% for 3 seconds after firing an arrow.


Both were D-grade skills because their requirements were my perception, which was also D-grade. I also experimented a lot with the skills that were included in my Hunter job and found their exact strengths and weaknesses.

"This match was proposed by Alex Fawn despite his disadvantage, so I don't want to hear any complaints about the unfairness afterward. No artifact is allowed, and only your training weapon should be used. The match will end either when one side surrenders or is unable to fight. Are all of you ready?"

Luna was in the middle of me and the two elves, and after seeing the three of us nod, she gave the signal to start the match and immediately left.

I instantly took one arrow from my quiver and prepared my bow. Sebastian and Maescia were already aiming at me, but they hadn't fired their arrows yet.

I could feel my body becoming lighter as the movement boost from Hunter was activated. After several experiments a few days ago, I found out that I became two times faster for each additional enemy that I fought against. But my enemies aren't limited to only those who are pointing a weapon at me. Hunter considers everyone who is in the same group as the person aiming at me as an enemy. Which meant Nyx was also considered an enemy right now, and because of this, my movement speed was at least four times faster.

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