Start from the beginning

Damian turns to Asher, who was busy eating Damian's masterpiece, with a thoughtful expression. "Hey, I remember you mentioning work today. What time do you need to head out?"

Asher shrugs, "I took a day off. Called them last night during our little... chase."


Pierce, overhearing the sounds of Asher and Damian's night together, was filled with a mixture of anger and jealousy. The sounds echoed in his mind, intensifying the unsettling thoughts that had been brewing since the moment Damian entered the scene. The emotions stirred a storm within him, a storm that threatened to unleash its turbulence upon the unsuspecting world.

Pierce, fueled by a newfound determination, had made up his mind. He wanted Damian for himself, and the night's events had only solidified that desire. 

Pierce, prepared for a brief vacation to his cabin, packing all his necessities. As he left for the store, he decided to pay Damian a visit. 

Damian, hearing the knock, makes his way to the door and opens it to find Pierce on the other side. Upon hearing Damian greet Pierce, Asher swiftly made his way over, a subtle frown on his face.

Pierce, eyeing both Damian and Asher, remarked, "Morning. Thought I'd drop by." 

Asher, his irritation evident, retorts, "What do you want?

Without sparing Asher a glance, he continues, "How about hanging out tomorrow? It's been quite some time."

Asher narrows his eyes at Pierce, clearly not pleased with the idea. Damian, on the other hand, looks between the two and hesitates before agreeing, "Sure, why not? Where do we meet up?"

Pierce politely provides the location and informs Damian that he's heading to his cabin but will be back by tonight. Asher, fueled by a sudden surge of protective instincts, forcefully closes the door after Damian bids Pierce goodbye. The abruptness of the action echoes the tension that had been building up between Asher and Pierce.

In the aftermath of Pierce's visit, Asher turns towards Damian with a stern expression, "I don't trust that guy."

Damian, reflecting on Pierce's visit, admits, "I think Pierce is pretty nice, but I'll just meet up with him. If I get any weird vibes, I'll stay away. Don't worry, Asher, I can handle myself." Asher, still skeptical, gives Damian a scrutinizing look but eventually concedes with a nod, "Alright, but be careful. I don't trust that guy."

Damian, with a sly grin, reminds Asher of his street-smart past, "Don't forget, I used to be a street thief. I know how to handle myself in a tight spot."

Asher still seemed unsure, but he'd already come up with a plan. Something started to ring.

Asher's phone began to ring, breaking the momentary tension in the room. He quickly grabbed it and glanced at the caller ID. "It's Aiden," Asher announced, answering the call.

Aiden's voice came through the phone, a mix of curiosity and concern. "Hey Asher, you didn't come home last night. Dad was asking about you."

Asher began to speak, "Yeah-" but Aiden swiftly cut him off, his voice filled with excitement, "Are you with Damian? He didn't pick up his phone either!" The anticipation in Aiden's tone hinted at a brewing curiosity.

Damian hurried to his phone, realizing they were supposed to game together last night. He saw that he had 4 missed calls and 18 messages, most of them from Aiden. He felt bad.

Aiden's playful tone shifted into a more serious one as he informed Asher, "Hey, Dad's been asking about you. Says it's something important, wants you to swing by."

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now