Beginning Note & Prompt

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Hello, and welcome to the chaos of my first attempt at writing a novella!

I am an overzealous writer. Everything I write becomes a huge project. I love words, but maybe a little too much. I want to challenge myself for many reasons:

1. I've never had the time to enter the Open Novella Contest, and now I do. I've been waiting for a while to be able to try this.

2. I like to have fun and should probably learn how to cut words sometimes. Maybe.

3. Superheroes are cool. I cannot resist writing about them.

Here is my prompt: 87. You come from a family of highly respected heroes. All three of your big brothers are known as powerhouses, but you rarely see them since they're always saving the city. One day you realize that the only way to see all of your brothers is to become a villain. Turns out you're better at it than you thought, and family dinners suddenly become the most amusing time of day.

("Big" here is more like successful. After a certain age, superheroing is less about saving cats from trees. So, one of the three brothers is the youngest, because, well. He just is.)

Superpowers with specific limitations
Family teasing
Midnight snacks (lots of orange juice)
New adult (heroes with day jobs)
Soft science-fiction
Sometimes comedy, sometimes serious (or both at the same time)
Nonbinary protagonist (they/them)

I will be attempting to edit as I go, so feel free to point out errors and make suggestions.

If you are entering too, please tell me in the comments, so we can bond and try not to write an epic-length novel together!

Thank you for checking out Paper Masks :)

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