I pick back up the phone and actually look at what she wrote.

"Hey, it's Celeste from the art gallery."

I stare in confusion at the sentence " Is this too short?, What if he doesn't remember who I am?"

Lu replies cheerfully "It's a good length, and don't worry he's going to remember who you are, you're a pretty hard person to forget."

I open my contacts, "I hope so" I say as I type his number into my phone.

"Should I add anything after his name?" I flash the phone in Lu direction.

A cheeky smile spreads across her face " No that's good, but you can add a heart if you want though."

I quickly answer with " Um, I think just the name is fine" and save his number in my contacts.

I hesitantly open his contact and am met with the empty messages' box. "Here goes nothing" I say and type up the message Lucette had previously wrote.

I stare at it in the message's bar for a while, waiting for the confidence to just send it, to jump out of me.

Lu stares at me gently "Do you need me to push send?"

"No, no I'm good. I'm going to send it myself, just give me like", I over at the clock, it's 7:30pm already, "10 minutes" I say sheepishly.

"10 minutes!, No way!, you need to send it sooner than later. The longer you wait the more anxious you're just going to get and then it will just be a never ending cycle."

Ugh, I hate when she uses my own advice against me.

"Fine, two minutes."

"No, send it now" she says sternly.

I give her a look of annoyance "I hope you know that I hate you" I say as I hover my finger over the send button.

With a quick tap of my finger, I send it.

"I can't believe I just fucking did that!" I yell as I throw my phone on the couch and run to my room, closing the door behind me.

I flop on my stomach, onto my bed and dig my face into my pillow. I really hope I'm not going to regret that, I say to myself.

I hear a soft knock on my door and then hear the door open and close again. " Good job Ce, that wasn't so hard was it."

"That was terrible" I muffle into my pillow. Rolling over I see that she has my phone in her hand.

I scoot over so she can sit on my bed also. " Don't worry, boys usually take ages to respond, plus he is probably eating dinner or something so he is most likely distracted by something else." She says sitting down and passing me my phone back.

I take my phone back. I'm not sure if her comment makes me feel better or worse to be honest.

I open the notes app and read the other reply options she wrote for me. Honestly they're pretty accurate to what I would say, so there's not many revisions that I have to make.

"Now what?" I ask looking her curiously.

" Now we wait"

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