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beverly hills, california
dec 20th

"so what yall got planned?" dee asked as he took the blunt front tanas fingers. they sat in his room with a towel under the door while hunter got mya ready in the next room

"im just bringing mya to meet my peoples" he said, and through his tone he could tell that his friend was nervous

"i just been with gisele so long they gon know i cheated when they see mya, not even when they see hunter" he explained

"why hunter gotta go then?" dee asked trying to help his friend ease his nerves

"cause i want mya to see us together, doing shit as a family..." he started then got quieter as he kept talking. dee took one more pull before looking down at the blunt and passing it to the stressed man

"you ever thought about getting back with her? like leaving gisele and just being with her?" dee genuinely asked his friend. after all the chaos of him and hunters break up, dee always wondered if he ever felt bad for what he did, to both girls. but now there was a baby involved, so now he was really wondering if he felt badly.

"yeah, but that's really some life changing shit, and ion even think she fuck wit me like dat, i broke her heart"

"-you broke her heart" the two men said in sync

"i hate dis love shit man i really do" he sighed as he took a pull from the blunt

"what went wrong? do you really love gisele?" he could feel the same curiosity he had three years ago creeping back up

he ghosted the smoke and blew it out before responding, "i think it's hard for me to leave her cause i know she gonna always be there no matter what i do, and with hunter i ain't have that security, i fucked up she was getting even or leaving me. gisele don't do that. but, i just feel like it's attachment with gisele and i really love hunter" he admitted. he had never confessed that to anyone, when anyone spoke about hunter he stayed quiet. he understood why she was upset with him, and she left just like he expected had her too, but there was no love in his relationship with gisele. just lust and toxicity, his heart was in washington dc with the single mom.

"damn, you in a real pickle" is all dee could say before they heard three knocks at the door and mya giggling from behind the door

"that's my que" santana got up to leave, he dapped up dee before heading out of his room to the living room. he was met with hunter who looked so beautiful. her look was a lot more mature than he remembered. she had on a a cute sundress and also dressed mya in a dress. the little girls hair was up in two pig tails, and her bright blue eyes were more clear on display. she smiled at the sight of her dad. "yall ready?" he asked before picking up mya, he held the door for hunter before they waited for the elevator. santana looked at a nervous hunter while mya played on his phone, he pulled her in closer noticing her nervous demeanor. she didn't fight it as she laid her head on him as the elevator made its way down. shortly they were in the car and santana could still sense her nerves.

"what's wrong?" he asked her, wanting to get a grasp on what she was feeling

"what if your family thinks badly of me? because you know, i was the side bitch who had a baby" she admitted. she had grown up to realize what she did was wrong, and she felt like she had gotten her karma and some more back in return

"it'll be okay, this ain't about how mya got here it's about her being here" he said, "i ain't gonna let them say nothing bad about you" he assured, soon they were at his parents house, at the front door. mya held her parents' hands as she took in the unfamiliar scene around them. tana knocked on the door twice. the door soon opened, revealing a short hispanic women who was in her thirties. she smiled at her son but her face soon read confusion as she looked to the girl with him and the child who's hand he was holding

"hey papi" she kissed his cheek, sending a smile to hunter who returned it. she thought to herself how pretty she was. she pulled back from santana and looked at the little girl who resembled her mother so strongly, "who's baby?" she asked

"ours" her son responded before making his way in the house with his two guest

"excuse me?" his mother said stopping him at the door

"i'll explain just let me get the situated" he pleaded with his mother who was eager to know what was going on. once they were all seated around the table, it being mya, tana, his mother and father and hunter, they were ready to discuss how mya got here

"hi, my names hunter" she broke the silence and through her nerves

"it's nice to meet you, i don't think i've ever seen you before" his mother said giving up to give her a hug and his dad sent a friendly wave

"yeah, i wasn't around for long" she replied with a small smile

"what happened papi?" his dad inquired

"i fuck-" he said and everyone's eyes immediately shot to mya who was looking back at them, "i had a slip up" he said

"what about gisele?" his mom asked, confused because she thought they were still together

"i cheated" he admitted and he saw the disappointment flash across his parents faces, "but we were together" he said talking about him and hunter

"i'm sorry" hunter tried to apologize

"don't apologize amor, it's okay" his mom comforted her as she nodded her head, "what's the baby's name?" she said reaching out her arms to pick up mya

"mya" hunter replied

"she looks just like abuelita mariana" his mom said as she took in the features of her grand baby. tanas parents went to the living room to continue their meeting with mya while tana brought hunter to his old room.

"this where i used to lay my head" he said sitting down on his bed. hunter stood up taking in the boys room that looked like it was frozen in time. she felt a large hand on her waist. santana pulled her in between his legs as he sat on the bed

"tana stop" she smiled as she fought to remove his hands from her body. soon he was standing up and they were face to face, with heavy breaths and funny beating hearts. santana didn't think twice before he smashed his lips into hunters. a passionate kiss was exchanged before hunter pulled back. "you have a girlfriend" she said before taking a few steps back from the man

"you ain't neva cared" he said, confusion written across his face

"i do now, i don't need to set that type of example for mya" she said, speaking from her heart. part of it was the guilt she was feeling for what she did those few years ago

"you my baby momma, allat me having a girlfriend shit don't matter, you come first" he said pulling her in again

"tana please" he looked into her eyes and he could see the desperation. she was begging for mercy. she didn't want to fall in love again.

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