Chapter 1 -||- The First Encounter

19 7 37

(Mar. 30th, 2018)

No One's P.O.V-


The girls frantically rushed through the house. "Luna! Have you seen my eyeliner!" Acantha yelled as she searched through her drawers, Luna took a deep sigh as she poured her smoothie. "Did you ask Remi!" Luna yelled back as Remi came into the kitchen. "I don't have it." She immediately replied. "Can, try looking in your drawer with your art supplies!" Remi yelled as she sat down. "What kind of smoothie is that?" Remi asked as the purple pink smoothies swirled in Luna's cup. "I thought you usually drink tea in the morning," Luna said as she sipped her smoothie, Remi chuckled. "Just cause I drink tea most of the mornings, doesn't mean I don't like smoothies." She grabbed Luna's cup and took a sip. "Hey!" Luna yelled as Remi slid the cup back over to her. "I taste Dragon fruit, also did you forget I'm the one who makes most of the smoothie bowls here." Remi got up, as Acantha came into the kitchen out of breath. "Did you find it?" Remi asked, and Acantha nodded. "You, we're right, it was with my art supplies." She chuckled as she grabbed a snack from the pantry. "Well, then if everyone is ready, let's go" Remi grabbed her keys and headed outside, her two friends right behind her. "Hey did, you guys do the astronomy homework?" Luna asked as she buckled herself in. "Which one?" Acantha asked as she closed her door and looked at Luna. "Um, the one about the stars from different galaxies." Acantha nodded her head. "I did it the day it was assigned," Remi rolled her eyes and started the car. "Who's your professor again Luna?" Luna thought for a minute. "Professor Herbfitz." Remi cringed as she transferred from his class because he was too hard for students. "Well, I and Acantha have professor Holiday, and hers is due today." Acantha chuckled a bit and gave Remi a side eye. "Did you do yours?" Remi kept her eyes on the road but punched Acantha in the arm. "Of course I did, you goody two shoes!" Remi yelled, Acantha and Luna chuckled. "What do you guys say, do you wanna go camping today?" Luna asked, Remi nodded. "Sure, what do you say, Can?" Remi asked, looking to the side a bit before refocusing on the road. "Sure, sounds like fun!" Acantha smiled, the girls stared quiet the rest of the way to school. "I'll see you guys after class!" Remi smiled and ran off to class. Acantha and Luna looked at each other. "Let's hurry to class.." Luna simply spoke and Acantha followed after her.


After class the girls headed straight home. "Hurry and get everything ready!" Remi yelled out, the girls packed for their little trip in the woods. "Hey, are we renting a cabin?" Luna asked, Remi and Acantha looked at her and started giggling. "Girl, no" Remi chuckled, grabbing her bag. "We're gonna drive to the camping Area and then we're gonna hike to our camp spot." Acantha explained, Luna nodded. "Hiking great..." She sarcastically laughed, Acantha and Remi bursted into laughter. "You're so privileged Nana," Remi chuckled, grabbing the keys. "For real," Acantha smiled, Luna rolled her eyes and she grabbed her things. "I'm not privileged, I just hate the sun," With that she walked out the door, Remi walked out after and then Acantha. As they drove to the camping woods, they talked about what they wanted to do during their time out there. "Ah, the smell of pine trees." Remi smiled as she got out of the car, Luna and Acantha got out as well. "Make sure you guys got everything," Acantha smiled, they nodded. "Hello, welcome!" A guy yelled, the girls looked toward his way as he waved. "Hi!" Remi yelled, the guy walked over to them. He had gray/white hair that was pushed back, yellow eyes, and a tux. "Welcome to Allegheny National Forest," He chuckled, Remi waved. "Thank you, we're on our way to our camp area." Acantha smiled, for an older gentleman he was good looking. "Well, I hope you enjoy your stay, have a wonderful time." And with that he walked away, Remi, Luna, and Acantha started their hike toward their camp area.


"Wow, this is a great view" Remi giggled as they settled at their spot. "Let's set up our tent and start a fire." Acantha spoke, the girls began setting up their one big tent, making sure it stayed in place. "Your guys have your sleeping bags?" They girls nodded. "Remi, where did you get these sleeping bags, they're super comfortable." Remi laughed. "I actually don't remember but can you and Luna start the fire while I set up our sleeping bags and our ice chest." As Remi took their sleeping bags and went into the tent, Luna and Acantha started the fire, getting logs to sit on and taking out some snacks. "So, spooky stories?" Acantha asked, Remi chuckled as she took a bite of her s'more. "Nah, that's boring, let's do something else." Luna rolled her eyes. "Like what?" Remi shrugged. "I don't know, on the lookout for something unusual." Acantha shivered. "Yeah, good try Remi." Acantha chuckled feeling uneasy now, Luna shook her head. "Stop trying to scare us Rem," Remi shrugged. "I was ju-" Rustling, the girls stopped and looked at each other. "W..what was that?" Acantha whispered. "Just Remi trying to scare us," Luna rolled her eyes but Remi shook her head frightened. "I...I swear it's not me.."Lina and Acantha looked at each other. "Everyone, stay quiet..." Luna whispered and they stopped and watched the fire crackle, waiting to hear another sound. "You sure, he said here?" A man's voice spoke, it was distant but the girls heard the man loud and clear. "Tent, now..." The three girls got into the tent and Remi closed it and locked it. "It could just be someone who lost their way on the trail..." Acantha tried to reassure, but before Luna or Remi could speak, a hatchet split their tent open from the front. "What the fuck!" Remi screamed, Luna and Acantha hid behind her as a face poked through.


"Well, hello.~"

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