Episode 10: Newsworthy

Start from the beginning

Warren says in the distance, "Help!" Raph says, "Guys, that must be him." Warren says, "A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half." The turtles and Kaya leap from rooftop and into park playground. They look down from atop a playhouse to see two lighted arrows directed at a magician's saw box. Warren's head is sticking out of one end.  A spotlight snaps on and focuses on the box. The arrows fall over.

Leo asks, "Does anyone else find this whole thing a little –" "Odd? Just –" Donnie asks/said. Mikey asks,  "Magic worm?" Raph says, "Totally legit." He jumps from playhouse, "Don't worry, Raph'll save you. Ouf!" He said. 

Warren Whimpers as box the bounces, "Oh." He said. He stuffs himself back into the box. 

Raph says, "Uh . . . hey, hey." He's struggling with the paper his feet are stuck to. "Raph stuck." He said.  "Not again." Leo said.  Warren says,  "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Stepped right into my goop trap." "Your what now?" Raph asks. Warren says,  "Goop trap." Mikey asks, "Talking magic worm?" Warren says,  "That was all a ruse. For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and –" "I'm sorry, Warren who?" Leo asks  Warren says, "Stop it! Stone. I'm your greatest fo—" Leo says/asks,  "Ah, don't tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?"  "No, no, no, I'm Waa—" Warren said. 

 "Can someone help me get unstuck?" Raph asks. "Fine." Leo said  Leo and Don struggle to pull the sticky paper off Raph's costumed feet. 

Warren says, ""Um, greatest nemesis, here. Stop!"  He shouts and leaps, landing with a plop on Leo's head. 

Leo says,  "Ah, get it off of me! It's gross!" Warren says,  "Classic mistake. I may be small, but I'm also very—ah!" Leo smacks him and Warren goes flying.  Leo asks, "Huh?" Spinning, Leo swings his sword and slices Warren in two. Warren says, "Uhh." "Oh, what did you do?" Raph asks. "He was on my head! I panicked!" Leo said. Mikey asks,  "Is he gonna be okay?" "Is he gonna be okay?! He's in two pieces." Raph asks/said. Warren says, "You fools!" They all jump and scream, crowding behind Raph.

Warren says, "You've unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can—" "You can clone yourself?" Mikey asks. Warren says, "No, I regenerate. It's an amazing power, but it's incredibly painful." Donnie said/asks, "Fascinating. How long does the regeneration process take?" "Several days." Warren said.  Mikey says, "And you grow back with double the strength." Warren says, "No." "But four times the size." Raph said. Warren says/asks,  "If I don't grow back twice as strong, why would I grow back four times as big? Ow!" "I don't understand you." Leo said.

Raph asks/said, "Can we go get some pizza now? I'm hungry." MIKEY "Are you sure he's gonna be okay, guys?" Warren exclaims, "I'm fine, you swamp-stinking, county-fair-prize losers. Ouf." "You heard his scream. He's fine. Ugh, I had my fists set on bustin' up a magic hippo. What a waste." Raph said. 

Warren says, "They want to fight a magic hippo? I'll give them a magic... worm."

Cut to Clem's Candy store. The bell over the door rings as Warren enters. 

Warren says, "Uh, an anonymous source told me this is where you get some... enhancements." "Huh?" Clem asks.  Warren says, "Mutant enhancements. Mystical mu—" Clem said, "You're just supposed to say the password. Wink." "Okay... Wink?" Warren said/asks.  Clem says, "Yep. You did it again, Clem. "Wink" is the password." He removes his cap and transforms into a goat mutant. Then he touches the bell on the counter and the shelves shift to show all sorts of armor. 

Warren jumps onto the counter and looks around until he spots something he likes, a large glimmering blue stone. 

Warren asks/said,  "Huh? Oh. Ooh. Give me the blue. Now, give me your phone. Uh, yes, I'd like to report a rampaging hippo outside the Burgundy Center."

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