Episode 4: Down with the Sickness

Start from the beginning

Donnie leaps up with a maniacal expression on his face. " Uranium! Oh, we should absolutely ask for uranium." Hey says.Nuclear plant in the background as he expounds on his idea. "I mean, if I could finally get my hands on a little of that, we would be virtually unstoppa . . . ." Hey said.

Mikey jumps in front of him and asks, "What about a brick oven for pizza?"

Leo steps between them, shoving them aside. "Who's gonna clean that? What we should ask for is matching unicorn onesies. Those are sick! Pun intended. And I nailed it." Leo ask/said. All grunting as they wrestle with each other.Raph says, "Enough. I got this, all right? I'm gonna ask Splinter for something that benefits all of us." Mikey says, "This is so exciting! But terrible for Dad." Mikey gasps and then exhales, seeing his breath.

Raph blows on his hand and sees his breath and he says, "Buckle up, boys. It's about to get weird." Announcer says as words flash across the screen, "Stage 1: Fever!"

Air whooshing through the vents of air conditioning unit. Splinter stands before it in his underwear, babbling under his breath. Suddenly lifts an electric razor into the air. Sound of razor buzzing.

Scene cuts to the turtles in the center of the lair, heat lamp over them. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all huddled together and shivering. Leo, in a full body parka, sits a foot away, sipping a hot beverage.

Mikey say, "I hate stage one. Think warm thoughts. Pizza ovens. Bricks from Italy. Wood chips roasting." Raph says, "We're four hours in. His fever's gotta break soon."

"I told you guys to plan ahead. Now I'm sitting here all toasty. Leo says as he slurps his drink as a shadow appears. All look stunned and Leo spits out his drink. "What? Wha . . . why?" Leo asks.

Splinter says as all the fur shaved off his body, "Had to air myself out." He falls on his face as wisps of smoke rise off of him. Then he growls and lifts his head, screeching and looking demonic. His sons start screaming as he charges at them and begins chasing them.

Announcer says as words flash across the screen, "Stage 2: Wild Rat Man!" All the brothers we're screaming as they run along the balcony in the lair with their dad chasing them.

Raph and Mikey in full hazmat suits, Leo trying to get into his.

"Don't eat me! Raph's tastier!" Mikey says. Raph says while still tugging at his suit, "Suits on! Suits on! Donnie, get the device ready."

Donnie is at center of lair and says, "Uh, it's ready." He is zipping up suit. "You know, my inspiration for this device was simplicity." Donnie says as he pulls his helmet on, "Why dress something up with lots of bells and whistles when you can just let it speak for its . . . ."

Leo, "No one has time for this!"

Donnie presses button on his gauntlet. There's a deep rumbling as water from a pipe stops flowing and a large clear ball rolls out, smashing into Leo, who grunts as it hits him. He falls to the center of the lair with the containment ball.]

Raph says, "Nice. All right, let's get him inside."

All the brothers are on the ground floor, standing around the ball. Leo opens a box containing pizza and Splinter approaches, snarling. Leo throws the box into the ball and Splinter leaps after it, going into the ball. Donnie shoves a giant plug into the entrance.

Donnie says, "Okay, this should hold him for a while." "And you're sure this isn't cruel?" Leo ask. Raph says to Leo, "He loves pizza and confined spaces you can barely breathe in. "The ball starts shaking violently while Donnie tries to hold on.

Mikey asks, "Donnie, is it gonna hold up?" The ball starts rolling, taking him in it and Donnie says, "Most definitely!"

Donnie caught on outside, screaming as inside, Splinter runs like on a hamster wheel trying to get the pizza. Ball gets airborne, Donnie still stuck to the outside. Ball begins bouncing off the walls of the lair and then bursts open, releasing Splinter, who jumps into a pipe and disappears. Donnie hits the ground with a thud.

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