Chapter 11 - Hotshots

Start from the beginning

Chief Burns: "It's all right, Doc. You can let go of the wheel."

Doc Greene: "All in Al for the part where I couldn't stop or steer. Not a bad test run."

Chief Burns: "Uh, yeah."

The Burns family went back to the firehouse while Chief Burns and Chase took Doc Greene back to his home. They were interviewed by Prescott.

Prescott: "An out-of-control vehicle, an unsuspecting public disaster in the making, how did our brave family of heroes save Griffin Rock yet again? Kade Burns?"

Kade: "Guts. That's what it takes to stare down a runaway car with nothing but a ladder. It was harrowing, but I dug deep."

Prescott: "Graham, anything to add?"

Graham: "Well, to create a makeshift tire hazard I had to calculate the distance between."

Prescott: "And how did you contribute, Dani?"

Dani was about to answer but she got interrupted by Kade.

Kade: "Dani monitors everything from the air. I tell you, I couldn't do our job without my little sis. We probably could."

Prescott finished the interview, leaving Dani unhappy. Some minutes later, the Rescue Bots and Nightblast were relaxing after a hard rescue as Heatwave was using his water to wash Boulder down from being covered in mud.

Heatwave: "You know. If there's mud to be found, Boulder's gonna roll right through it."

Boulder: "I'm part tractor. It's what I do."

Chase was buffing out of the bottom of his feet with an automatic brush.

Chase: "I believe there must be a more efficient way to halt a runaway car than. Skiing behind it."

Cody: "There sure is."

Nightblast: "Keeping Doc Greene out of the driver's seat."

Boulder laughed after what Cody and Nightblast said. Cody grabbed a long pole brush and helped Boulder with his mud. Nightblast and Blades looked at each other and they blushed.

Nightblast: *Nervous* "What do you think, Blades?"

Blades: *Nervous* "I... I don't know, Nightblast."

They continued to look at each other and blushed even more. Heatwave noticed that Blades and Nightblast were blushing.

Blades: "Some of us. Others watch from the sky."

Cody: "Aw, don't feel bad, Blades. Maybe our next rescue will happen in the air."

Blades: *Sighs* "That would be nice. As long as it's not too high in the air."

Heatwave: "What's it matter who does what? None of us is appreciated!"

Cody: "What do you mean, Heatwave?"

Heatwave: "Did you notice that I was the one risking the hook and ladder? But Kade took all the credit. Once again."

Cody: "Well, Nightblast and I don't always get thanked for helping either. Neither does Dani. But I know we're appreciated."

Blades: "Something tells me that Dani would not agree with you."

Later that night, Cody and Nightblast walked far from downtown. They were walking in the forest while they talked.

Cody: "Dani and Blades were upset about the rescue of Doc Greene's car, Nightblast."

Nightblast: "Blades told me about it. He was also upset about it, Cody."

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