Part 10

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"Okay, today. We'll capture .... No way. He does exist."

"What is it?"

"Come one, spill it, Cooper."

"We have to capture big foot."

"No way! That dude is legendary."

"I knew he existed."

"Okay, we need to focus on the mission. If we split up into three groups, we can cover up more ground. Cory, you will go with crystal. Iris, you'll be with ruby."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry, I'm more experienced at this job."

After they split up, big foot was going out of his cave.

Iris and Ruby POV

"So do you know Cory?"

"Yes, since we were children."

"Do you like him?"

"Yes. I mean as a friend!"


Iris was blushing. She did develop a crush on Cory the first time they meet. Ruby was fangirling.

Cooper POV

Cooper was on the ground sniffing for a trail. He walked pass a bush. Big foot grabbed him from behind and broke his gun. It knocked out Cooper. Big foot fragged him back to his cave.

Cory and Crystal POV

"So where did you live Cory?"

"I lived in Massachusetts."

"Why did you want to do his job?"

"Because I need adventure in my life. I love to the extreme."

Then they heard a scream that was not from them. Cory noticed it was his teammates.

"They need our help!"

Cory and Crystal sprinted where the scream was heard.

Iris and Ruby's POV

We were talking about out lives. Then big foot attacked us. It took our weapons and knocked us out.


"Iris! Are you okay?"

Their guns were on the ground. But they didn't see Iris or Ruby. Cory and Crystal took out their guns. They didn't realize that big foot was on top of a tree behind them. Holding both Iris and Ruby that were unconscious.

"They aren't here."

They lowered down their guns.

"Maybe bigfoot got them."

"No kidding. These readings are off the charts."

Crystal was looking at some weird scp tracking.

"It is almost as if it was."

Leaves from the tree tops fell down. They slowly looked right up. Then bigfoot jumped out of his hiding spot. And landing near Crystal. Which made her fall on her back. Hitting a rock that made her unconscious.


Corys eyes were red. Even if the hologram was on it still reviewed her eyes. Big foot stopped. Cory realized he can control scp's.

"Can you lead me to your home?"

Bigfoot nodded and picked up crystal. Big foot lead Cory to it's home. Cory entered bigfoots cave. There were broken guns. A broken guns. A fire lit up the place. Cory realized its intelligent. He stopped controlling bigfoot. Scp-1000 gently placed his knew teammates on a fur rug.

Corys POV

Big foot was gentle. He must've figured we were after him. Right now, I have to convince him to come with us.

"Mr. Bigfoot, would you like to come with us?"

He nodded no.

"I can't leave the forest. It's in danger with the humans. I must stay."

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