Part 1

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Cory is scp 4000. He doesn't know he is an scp. Neathier his friends know. When Cory was little, he had a camera with blue lens. He loved taking pictures with it. One day, Cory moved into a new house. He went outside to play in the forest.

Cory was taking pictures with his camera. His eyes were glued to the camera. He didn't see were he was walking. Cory tripped into a dump. He fell into a pool of radioactive toxin sludge. When Cory got out, he was fine.

He checked for wounds. When Cory checked his face, he felt the camera on his face. Cory tried to take it off but it wouldn't come off. It was like it was a part of him.

It was getting dark. Cory's mom was going to freak out if he didn't come home on time. As he went home, Cory covered his face.

"Hi. Mom. I'm home", said Cory.

"Cory! Where were you? I was worried sick. Where on earth did you go", sid Cory's mom.

Cory decided to tell his mother the truth. "I went to the woods and fell into a pit of toxic waste."

"And this happened to me."

Cory uncovered his face. His mother screamed. She fell backwards, hitting her head on a glass vase. There was blood everywhere. Cory ran straight for the phone and dailed 911.

"911, what's your emergency," said the operator.

" My mom hit her head with a glass vase," said Cory.

"Don't worry, help is on the way."

Cory waited outside. There was a couple of police cars outside near the ambulance. Two police officers approached Cory. "Hey kid. What's your name?"

"Cory Carter. Is my mom going to be okay," said Cory.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Cory, can you tell us what happens today?"

"I went exploring in the woods. And something happened to me. When I came back home. My mom freaked out. She hit her head on a glass vase."

"Why did it happen?", said the officer 1. "It's because of this." Cory uncovered his face. "What happened to you," said the officer 2. "I don't know."

Someone came in and and whispered something to the officers. Cory heard something about a foundation and scp. "Hey, come with me," said the mysterious man. The man lead Cory to a black van. It was loaded with armed people. They blindfolded Cory so he couldn't see where he was going.

When it came off. Cory found himself in a room. It looked like a cell. There was a glass window. And behind the glass window was two people in white coats. "What's your name," said scientists 1.

"Cory, why am I here? Can I see my mom?"

"You can't."

"But why?"

"Because we have a reason to believe that your an scp."

"What's an scp", said Cory.

"An scp is an anonymous creature."

"How am I an scp. I'm human."

Your an scp because of an event that happen to you."

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