Chapter 3: The Prisoner

Start from the beginning

Finally, when Virgil came to end of the platform, he heard the evil ex-king's chuckle. "Why, hello, Virgil," Trojan purred. "How have you been?"

The being glared at where he believed Trojan's eyes to be. "You know why I'm here, Trojan," Virgil spat. "What are you planning now?"

The mastermind hummed. "I forgot to ask, how's your family?"

The humanoid's eyes went wide as rage clawed up Virgil's consciousness. He pointed an ivory finger at the man veiled in darkness. "You were behind the attack on my family, weren't you?!"

Trojan laughed in the most sarcastic of tones. "yes, I did it," he taunted. "I attacked your family. Although, I wouldn't say that's entirely true, Virgil." The words whispered through the air dared Virgil to defy him: "You and I both know who's actually responsible, or did you forget your place?"

Virgil clenched his fists. "I'm tired of you thinking that you can manipulate me with words to activate my curse. I am not your slave anymore! You don't own me!"

The humanoid didn't need to see the ex-king to know he'd have the most wicked of grins on his face. "Do you doubt my power, Virgil? Do you doubt my ability to put you under my thumb?"

The sentient spluttered for a response. Denial had tunneled into his brain like a lethal parasite. The only man who had historically sent him into a violet trance was Trojan, but fear challenged those facts. Virgil didn't want to believe that this man, the terrorist who'd incited multiple wars, could control him. Shivers ran down the humanoid's spine. Even the thought of becoming an impressionable zombie, sent him gasping for air.

"No, no. Of course, you can't," Virgil lied, nearing hysterics. The sentient dug his trembling fingers through his hair, hoping to slow the building panic. "You can't control me!"

"Can't I?" trojan trained his predatory eyes on his newest victim. "Virgil," he purred, "why don't you step to the edge of the walkway for me?" The reaction was instant. Something primal snapped at Virgil's core. The humanoid gasped as his heart seemed to drop in his chest. A dense fog clouded the being's mind, making it hard to form new thoughts. A bright, violet light leaked out of Virgil's eyes, suddenly he wasn't Virgil anymore- he was a slave, a mere pawn in an endless chess game. He lived to obey.

With rigid, stiff joints, the creature turned to face the sea of acid. He crept closer and closer to the edge, step after step until he reached the precipice. "Oh, Virgil," a sinister voice called. "Time to wake up." The creature blinked slowly as he transitioned back to his humanoid state. The violet light in his eyes faded back to their usual sky blue hue. As the fog in his mind cleared, Virgil began to take in his new surroundings; the sentient yelped. The sudden jolt of his body caused him to stumble. One of his feet missed the edge of the precipice, and suddenly, Virgil was falling. He blindly shot his arms out as he twisted around in the air. His hand grabbed the edge just in time. Using all the strength he possessed, the being hoisted himself back into the box, where he collapsed to the floor.

Panting, his thoughts racing, Virgil tried to process what had just happened. I almost died. I almost died, he screamed inside his mind. I- I can't believe it. Trojan really can control my violet trance. I always had a feeling that would be the case, but this just proves it. He's psychotic!

A stereotypically evil cackle assaulted Virgil's ears, stopping the whirlwind of thoughts that tore through his mind. The being looked up to find the mastermind holding his belly as he laughed heartily. Rage coursed through Virgil's veins. How dare Trojan laugh at his pain? Was there no low this man wouldn't reach, no right he wouldn't breach? Virgil scowled; he'd had enough. The being shot up to a stand, ready to confront the dangerous criminal. "How- How dare you use my curse!" he yelled. "Stop getting inside my head!"

"I'll do whatever I want," Trojan replied. "You can't stop me. No one can."

"You're wrong," Virgil argued. "I can. I will put an end to whatever you're planning, once and for all. You'll be sorry you ever abducted me, Trojan. I promise you." The humanoid straightened his posture, stared into the dark void of his abuser, and turned away. Virgil released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding; he'd made his point, it was time to go.

Trojan started with a chuckle, then a laugh, then a fit of laughter echoed through the chambers like an ugly melody. Just as Virgil made it to the door to rejoining the twisting tunnels out, he heard Trojan's reply: "It's only a matter of time, my loyal servant. It's only a matter of time before you come home."

A lot of changes to the setting here at the prison, and a lot more lore. What do we think? Which prison is scarier: Pandora's Box or Hell's Keep? Let me know in the comments! 

Will Virgil be able to hold his own against Trojan? Will he end whatever Trojan is up to before it's too late? Stay tuned to find out!


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