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Allistor's Perspective – In Leviathan's Chambers

"Allistor, my dear child. I have a wonderful offer for you. Lucifer and I, well, you know we were waiting for the day when one of our lost children would return victorious. I had long hoped that your brother was simply out, sowing his wild oats and traveling the world. I had hope that one day he would return and stand by my side again. That one day, we would finally take over the entire Underworld, as a family!" As my father spoke, I could see the excitement within him bubbling over. I could tell where this conversation was heading, but I was powerless to stop it. I am one of the most powerful beings in all of the Underworld, but compared to my father, I am just a small, insignificant child.

"Wouldn't you have loved that for us, Allistor? To see the Luciferians bow to us and beg for mercy?" His eyes were filled with passion and blood lust, staring at me as if answering incorrectly would sign my death wish.

"Y-yes, sir. That would be wonderful for us." I look to the floor, trying to escape his gaze and hoping he can not see my true feelings written all over my face.

He rushes over and grabs both my shoulders, "Exactly! Allistor, finally you can let it all out!" Without thinking, my face scrunches into a confused look. What could I 'let out?' My hatred for the Luciferians?

"Don't be shy, my boy. We both know you have always been jealous of Hades. I know you wish that it could be you by my side, ruling over the whole Underworld." He lets me go and my mind is stuck running in place. 'Jealous of Hades?! Even that hot-head knew this deal was bogus! Standing by your side? More like being your pet!'

"So will you do it, my dear Allistor?" His voice pulls me from my internal bewilderment. I look up at him and am reminded quickly that this wasn't just a silly conversation of what-ifs. He wants me to take Hades' place.

"Who will be my opponent?" I ask, knowing that any answer will be horrible.

"Well, you know how Lucifer is. He wanted to pair you against that Nyx girl." Images flash through my mind of Nyx using her ability against me. We have tried a few times during training to see if I could block her vines, and everytime I end up on the ground screaming for Rose to heal me. The thought alone is enough to make my gut turn over. "But, I told him that it wouldn't be fair for her. You are almost a thousand years older than her! Of course, he babbled about how he was so sure it would be fine, but I said the only fair way was to have his eldest, living, child participate. So you will be going against Zayne, his only son."

My mind goes blank. It takes a few seconds for me to realize, I'm not even breathing. Every inch of nerves in my body is stiff and cold. "Z-Z-Zayne?! Zayne Luciferian?" I finally force air out of my lungs and my body speaks without logic.

"Yes. Is that a problem, son?" His tone is angry and intimidating but my mind is too cloudy to care. All I can think of is Zayne's beautiful golden hair and bright green eyes. Eyes that right now must be holding back tears. How could this happen? How could I let this happen to him?

"No. Not a problem, sir." I grit my teeth and try to control my anger. I need to get to Zayne this instant.

"Good. I will give you more details later. Lucifer and I still have some discussing to do, but we will start your training soon. Prepare yourself, even Hades struggled to keep up with this training routine." I have no time to think about the awful things that await me in that training cellar. I have to get to Zayne. Now. "You may be excused, my dear Allistor. Rest assured, this is best. For everyone."

I bow my head and walk as fast as I can out of his chamber. My mind is racing, trying to wrap around the idea of fighting Zayne. I walk a few steps out of my father's hallway before I realize there is someone behind me. I whip my head around and reach for my sword, only to see my little brother Abel.

"Woah, slow down. It's just me. Let's go." He turns and starts walking towards a closet. His tone and facial expression tell me he already knows what is happening.

"Abel, I need to...," before I can finish my sentence he grabs my hand and pulls me into the closet. He shuts the door behind us and starts moving things aside in the closet to find the wall.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You need to go see lover boy. Trust me, I heard it all. Already got Vel and the others into the training area." He opens a portal to the training area using his ability and pushes me in. "You stay here, I'll go get him." I look up and see Veles, Rose, Nyx, and Eva standing in the middle of the room, talking to each other. I look back at Abel and try to say something. "No objections, emergency family meeting. Now."

He shuts the portal and I'm left looking at a rock wall. I don't remember what happened, but the next thing I knew I was on my knees screaming with pure rage. 

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