02 || getting the gold back

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—- right now, luffy was wanting to see how merona's devil fruit happens, "OOOH!!! IM NOT MAKING ANY FOOTSTEPS!!" luffy yells out as he ran around the room that merona made, and soon—- the two of them laugh before chopper joins in, "SO COOL~!!" the two of them yell as merona laughs as chopper turned into his largest form and even with as hard steps he took, there was not a single sound, while merona was in awe of his transformation

while chopper's small and normal form was cute, to her—- his largest form was cool, "chopper-senpai, that form is so cool~!!!" she yells in awe with her eyes sparkling as luffy was messing around in the background

chopper rubbed the back of his nape, "i don't like your compliment you stupid human~!!" he laughs out, obviously trying to hide his actual feelings(rather horribly)

the merry silently roles into the docking area, where they all go into the kitchen after the playing around with merona's devil fruit(merona did set a room up for the merry to stay as stealthy as possible)

"well, what do we do next guys?" usopp asks, "if you ask me, i think we just head back to the gate and make a break for it while we still can" zoro says, "you got a point there, the marines mean business. it's too bad that we have to leave the gold behind, but our lives are more important" usopp responds, merona honestly didn't mind which plan they do, whatever meant she got to be with her newfound friends longer

"what do you think luffy? you are the captain" chopper asks, "we need to get the gold, but i need something to eat first" luffy says in exhaustion, "DON'T DIE LUFFY-SENPAI!!" merona exclaims in worry(she doesn't know that he's going to be fine...), making some sweatdrop or deadpan, "he's not going to die" robin chuckles, making merona let a breath out

"Give me a second, i'll whip something up" sanji tells luffy as he heads to the fridge, "uh, the storeroom's look kinda empty" usopp says in some worry

"there's gotta be something left in here" sanji says as he opens the top of the fridge open as he looks in it

"just so i understand you correctly, you guys are okay with leaving this place without our gold?" nami asks, making the boys—- par sanji—- to hum in agreement of nami's question while merona seems unfazed

"well that's too bad, because y'know pirate treasure is always divided up, even after splitting the loot, we'd all have more gold than we know what to do with, just think of the stuff we could have bought!" nami says, obviously trying to trick them, which works for them—- merona however, she wasn't bothered anyways

after all the boys words of what they plan to do with their money, nami raised her hand as she had her pointer finger extended up, "right, but first i take a extra cut. 80%"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" the boys all yell, obviously irritated by the princing, 'doesn't that leave 20% left? that seems like a lot of money!!' merona thinks as she had a idea of the amount, obviously not getting that 80% was a lot...

"it's not for me"

"oh yeah? then who? and why should they receive a bigger share than the rest of us, huh?!" usopp barks, merona was curious

"it's for a special lady. we're going to set aside the gold to pay for the repairs we need to make" nami informs, now merona was even more curious at the smiling ginger's words

"a lady? oh wait, you mean the merry?" luffy asks, making merona the more interested by how her friends treat the ship which was a rare occurrence for pirates, much less marines to care for their ship—- usually they'd just get a new one and let their damaged one be ruined—- this makes her eyes brighten up in wonder and impression

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