00 || marine base

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—- the strawhat pirates found themselves on a naval fortress that they had spectacularly managed to not get grabbed before any navy could capture them, all the while, down where the prison cages were located at, a girl with sunkissed skin, macha green hair that was paired with some tattooed arm with some design—- she had her arms over her legs that were pulled up as her eyes trace over some gold hooped bracelet whilst her hands were in a sea stone cuffs, a unreadable look was over her face from the darkness that she was sitting in.

she looks back at the cage doors that two marine men were stationed through the other side of the bars momentarily before her eyes flick back over to the dirt that was on the ground that was all musty before letting a breath out, her eyes get closed.

meanwhile, her ears perk up on some announcement that was wanting the marines to get on battle, making her snap her head up, surprise evident on her face from surprise, 'what—- really?' She blinks in surprise, her chocolate brown eyes blink.

she purses her lips as she just rests her head down as she closes her eyes she stays quiet like usual.


—- her ears perk up on the sound of someone being brought in as the door of the cage doors, her head lifts up as he was forced to the ground by some marine men, the prisoner in question had moss green hair, tan skin, and black eyes.

the man sits down, her eyes go over to the man who just looks at her momentarily, her eyes search over the unknown man to her. "hm?" zoro hums in confusion from the sight of her, their eyes connecting before the former breaks the eye contact to look away

the man proceeds to yawn, making her blink her eyes as she raises a subtle brow, "oh c'mon, are you guys just going to sit there and stare at me?" the man asks, and she notes the marines that were there even more than before, which catches her off guard, she also notes how they had taken three swords that belonged to the man as she can guess, that went to the other prison cell.

she looks at him once again, "well, there's nothing more for me too do than just get some shut eye." he says before immediately falling asleep, snoring, which causes her brows to raise up as she looks at him with shock.

"open the cell" a marine commands, and she slightly leans forward as she just manages to see some commander that she believes she's seen as the rest of those marines turn to the man

"but lieutenant comander! the prisoners are extremely dangerous!" one of the marines exclaims

"i am under direct orders from vice admiral jonathan to interrogate the prisoner: zoro roronoa" the lieutenant explains, 'so that's his name' she thinks as she flicks her gaze at the snoring male

"yes sir! please be careful sir!"

the lieutenant opens the cell door, she stayed quiet as she watches the interaction, "hm?" zoro hums as his lifts his head up at the lieutenant "roronora zoro, known far and wide as a pirate hunter. until you turned traitor and joined the scum you used to hunt" the man states, making her brows narrow slightly

"you didn't come all the way down here just to tell me that?"

"if that's how you wanna play it! how many of you are there?! and what exactly is your purpose in invading this forest?! it was a clever idea to invade a base like this from the sky. how did you do it, did you build a launch pad?" the lieutenant interogates the pirate, she shifts to be a bit less uncomfortable in her restraints that made her wrists be rubbed up against the metal

"nope. we just came down from the sky"

"dont mock me!!"

"calm down big guy, i'm not mocking you. i'm just answering your question" zoro answers, her eyes waver over his face as the lieutenant bends down in front of the man who looked calm and not the least bothered, making her blink her eyes

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