chapter 2

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Kai thought about a lot of things on the way to the museum. There were many things that could happen in there. He still had no idea what he would do or how to keep the ghost away from Lloyd. Though he did know the weakness of every ghost. Just a little water or deepstone would do. But there was a slim chance that he would find that in the museum.

What was he even supposed to do? How much could he change the past before it would affect the future? Was anything important happening during all of this? Well, Nya did find out about her water abilities, but he could fix that one.

Anything else? Ah, the realm crystal. Was it important to have that? He wasn't too sure. But the last thing that popped into his mind was, that nothing would change if he got rid of Morro in the museum. He would break free again at some point. No, he had to make sure that some events took place.

But Lloyd wouldn't be a part of them. The fire ninja sighed as they flew over the city. Sensei had warned them already that messing with the past was dangerous. But he couldn't stop himself from doing this. To protect Lloyd and spare him from pain just this once.

"Something wrong?"

Kai looked over at the green ninja, unsure of what to say. He forces a smile on his face. "Nah, just thought that we would be free for the rest of the day."

"Yeah" the blond laughed. "That monster of a fish this morning was enough work for one day. But whenever duty calls, we answer."

And it made him wonder. Why did Lloyd still have to do this? They had trained him when he was a child, because they had to. What would be the harm in letting him be a child again? To let him have all these moments that were taking from him far too early. Now that Misako was with them, it could be possible.

"Don't you want a day off for once? Everyone counts on us to solve their problems, but we have life's too. Things we would like to do in other places. When was the last time you went to the beach?"

Maybe that was too much. But the sudden curiosity that overcame him was overpowering. No one had ever asked Lloyd what he wanted. Why shouldn't he have a normal day?

"Ah, I think that was on the dark island when I broke my leg" Lloyd laughed.

"See?! That was years ago. We should take more time for ourselves. Even the police can't expect us to solve every problem Ninjago has."

"Where does this suddenly come from? I thought you loved the attention?" the blond raised an eyebrow.

Kai huffed. "I did. Before I realized that there is more in life than fame. Especially when you're just famous because you risk your life. You should be allowed to be selfish too."

Lloyd hummed at that. "I guess. Haven't thought about it in some time. I mean, if I could change something, then I would definitely take more time for myself. I'm sure there will come a time where we can have some peace."

Yeah, peace. But not today. As the museum finally came into his view, Kai knew he had to make a choice. But it wasn't hard to choose. If he had to choose between his freedom and the safety of his little brother, there was no doubt in his mind. All he had to do was get Lloyd out the right moment.

How hard could that be?

As soon as they landed, Kai saw the tape that two policemen were wrapping around the front entrance. When they looked up, both of them looked more than relieved.

"Oh great, the ninja. You come right on time" one of them said.

"Yeah, you called that there was a break-in?" Lloyd asked as they passed the tape.

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