Chapter 1

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The sabre lied on his paws crankily on the iceberg that cracked and separated the herd... He couldn't help but feel irritated that such a peaceful day was wasted by this earthquake...

It ruined everything... He thought he could relax after chasing all the predators off his territory... But his whole home cracked...

And if it wasn't worse, Ellie, Peaches, Crash and Eddie were all left behind in that land...

He, Manny, Sid and his annoying Granny were all now floating in the middle of the ocean...

He didn't know who to feel concerned for, them or the rest of the herd...

In this confusion, of course, he was gonna be snappy if something bothered him...

But everything loves irritating him... And two of the most irritating creatures were with him! And now he also got irritated by Manny being all anxious for Ellie and Peaches...

He sighs and tries counting in his mind to calm himself down.

"Hey, Diego."

"Sid... I'm not in a good mood, don't bug me."

"Hey, it's okay chill, we'll get through this-"

"Don't. Just don't." He says and goes all the way back of the iceberg.

He closes his eyes hoping his headache will go away...

"Diego!" He hears Manny calling.

He gets up reluctantly and walks up the him.

"Look, there's a bird! Where there's birds, there's land, right?"

Looking at the bird, his headache went away for a while.

"Hey, buddy. Come here!" He calls...

The bird circles around them and returns in the direction it came from...

Manny and Diego groan in frustration. Diego's headache comes back...

"You think you some Disney princess?! Birds don't come and sit on your shoulders when you call em'... You have to have a sweet voice..." Granny mutters.

The bird...

There wasn't any land around... Then...

It must be from a...

"Am I hallucinating or is that ice coming straight towards us?" The sabre asks.

"Yeah! It's coming! It sounds like there are animals on it!" Manny confirms.

"Yay!" The sloth jumps up in the air out of joy with a leaf on both his arms.

He dances around. "We're being rescued! We're being rescued!" He sings.

The huge iceberg slowly floats and finally stops after hitting their piece of ice.


"Is this the intruders you told about, Silas?" An ape with a rusty voice speaks over his shoulders.

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