An area where Jimin would not allow himself to end up in.

"But what if I need appeased now?" Jimin tipped his lip to somber a look at Taehyung.

Taehyung, who only scoffed to take a box from below the counter to set it in front of Jimin.

A chess board.

"A fine game of chess can provide you sensibility Jimin. It always helped a friend, it may do you fairly." He took out the board, setting its pieces across the checkers as Jimin blighted himself with the silence.

"I don't want to play with pawn pieces." He grabbed Taehyung's hand just as he went to set down the White King.

Taehyung pulled him away, laying the marble piece down nonetheless.

"I want to be the pawn." Jimin grabbed the opposing piece, a Red King. He scrutinized the color, anticipating a darker greyscale, or glass.

The red picked at his enamored behavior with his fingers dolling around the piece's corners.

Taehyung stepped from the board to veil some tea through his throat, tearing himself from behind the counter to hold Jimin up by his chin.

"Whatever it is that you remember Jimin, it never happened. Whatever I did to you, I never did it. Do you understand me?" A vexed Taehyung had coaxed another smile from Jimin, the hand on him callous and forbearing.

This was the Taehyung Jimin knew.

"My adoration has nothing to do with my mistaken memory." Jimin mocked a finger onto Taehyung's lips.

Jimin wanted to be taunted. He was trained and ruled on the experience of feeling vulnerable and needed for something he never fully understood. He wasn't that anymore. Not here.

"Careful, your passion might undo you." Taehyung shred the arousal, pulling Jimin's hand back to his lap.

Jimin knelt up, a proven carnal nature binding his expression as he pressed his lips near Taehyung's to speak,

"...Am I undone?"

Taehyung kept his mouth apart, stuttering with his lack of intellectual response, until he carried the manic wit to kneel closer and jeer Jimin's overused deprivation.

"Not yet."

"Taehyung?" Another man had bared a voice from down the kitchen doorway.

Jimin turned, more concerned with the calling, to which Taehyung didn't register himself to move.

"Who is that?" Jimin scowled.

"Your chess partner." Taehyung let Jimin go, harsh when he did as Jimin's head spasmed when he was left unsatisfied.

"Taehyun- Oh, Jimin!"

"Jimi-? Yes me, and you?" Jimin spun around his feet before he sat at his chair, crossing his legs beneath it.

"Oh, you don't remember me?" The man's face had dulled, grieving the design that his name might have tipped Jimin's recollection.

𝙃𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖~ 𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙐Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin