12 - Feelings, Sweetheart

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Izuku woke up first, he glanced around the room bleary eyed and noticed the rain had calmed some, gently pelting against the window. Looking down he saw Shota, completely dead to the world, under him, Izuku gently pushed himself up and straddled Shota's lap while he stretched his arms above his head, Shota murmured in his sleep and his hands moved to rest on Izuku's thighs. looking down Izuku made sure the man under him was still asleep, yup still dead to the world. 

Climbing off Shota he fixed the blanket before moving to the bedroom, he peaked his head in to see Hizashi sitting against the headboard on his phone. Hizashi glanced up and met his gaze with a smile, "morning Rockstar." Izuku grinned and quickly walked into the room and jumped up on the bed, crawling his way to the spot at Hizashi's side. "What are you doing?" Hizashi chuckled as Izuku playfully headbutted his side as he curled up next to him.

"I'm not doing anything," Izuku giggled nuzzling his head against Hizashi's ribs, Hizashi let out a surprised laugh as Izuku's hands moved up to tickle his side.  

"No! It's to early for this! Izuku!" Hizashi wheezed pushing at Izuku's hands as Izuku crawled on top of him to get the high ground. Izuku didn't let up, his grin widening at every wheeze and giggle Hizashi let out. "Izuku please!" Hizashi giggled grabbing both of Izuku's wrists, Izuku let out a playful sigh and slumped his shoulders excepting defeat. "Is there any reason you're launching a full blow assault first thing in the morning?"

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," Izuku replied feigning innocence, Hizashi rolled his eyes and moved to hold Izuku's wrists with one hand, moving his free hand threatening close to Izuku's side. Izuku leaned away from his hand his eyes flicking between Hizashi's face and his hand inching dangerously close to his side. "I was just saying good morning! Don't you fucking dare, Hizashi!" 

"Mhm," Hizashi replied unimpressed but letting go of Izuku's wrists anyway. 

"Plus you didn't get any cuddles last night, and annoying people is my favorite way to show affection," Izuku stated leaning down blanketing Hizashi with his body while pushing his face into the crook of Hizashi's neck. Hizashi smiled softly and moved to wrap his arms around Izuku, it was sweet of Izuku to come and make sure he didn't feel left out first thing in the morning. Hizashi felt a strange feeling stirring in his chest, it was familiar but in an odd way, different, pushing it down he turned his head to bury his face in Izuku's hair while cupping the back of Izuku's neck.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he murmured gently and Izuku offered a small nod but otherwise just staying on top of Hizashi


Shota entered a while later immediately moving for his closet to grab some clothes for a shower, he glanced back to see Hizashi sitting against the headboard with Izuku still in his lap only now he had turned to rest sideways against Hizashi's chest to watch Hizashi's phone. His eyes were half open as he leaned his head against Hizashi's shoulder, clearly trying to fight off more sleep.

"Morning," Hizashi smiled noticing Shota looking towards them.

"Morning," Shota replied gruffly rubbing his eyes. He contemplated climbing back into bed and falling asleep with Izuku once again but he had some out of the house stuff to take care of since the rain had calmed down. "fighting off sleep Bambi?" Izuku's eyes opened fully to look at him, he scrunched up his face before turning back to hide his face in Hizashi's neck.

"it's too early for teasing," Izuku grumbled and Hizashi chuckled.

"says the one who attacked me first thing this morning," Izuku mumbled something only Hizashi could hear and Hizashi rolled his eyes making Shota chuckle. He watched them with a warm smile, he enjoyed the domesticity of the scene unraveling before him, leaning against the door frame of his closet he just stared at the duo curled up together and realized he didn't like the thought of having to leave the shared space later or at all really. Maybe these were thoughts he should shove down, including the feelings welling up inside him at the sight of Izuku and Hizashi smiling at him while they huddled together in his bed.

"Are you getting ready to leave?" Izuku asked finally pushing himself to sit up and stretch, Hizashi set down his phone and rested his hand on Izuku's hip as the boy stretched in his lap.

"I got some paperwork to take care of at the station, but I should be back around lunch if you want me to drive you home," Shota replied sitting down on the edge of the bed by the duo, Izuku shuffled off Hizashi's lap and off the bed to stretch a bit better.

"yeah I should probably head home so my mom has physical proof I'm still alive," Izuku joked and Shota nodded before standing once again to head to the shower. Izuku decided to move to the living room, leaving Hizashi with a smile, he sat on the couch and pulled out his phone to go through his notifications but his mind wandered as he scrolled.

It wasn't the first night that Izuku had stayed with Hizashi and Shota, that was pretty obvious, but something was different this time. Izuku couldn't put his finger on it but something felt different, he started feeling it the night before when Shota comforted him while he cried about not being able to sleep then reassured him it was alright to cry. It was almost like something shifted in Izuku towards Hizashi and Shota, he was unsure of what shifted or why but he'd figure it out. Soon enough Hizashi joined him on the couch offering him a mug of hot cocoa, Izuku hadn't even noticed Hizashi had walk into the kitchen. 

"What's got you so zoned out?" Hizashi asked sipping his own mug of disgustingly sweet coffee, Izuku shrugged sipping his own drink. 

"No idea, my brain is just a bit loud at the moment." Izuku mumbled and Hizashi nodded in understanding. 

"I'm heading out," Shota announced walking into the living room gaining the attention of the other two, "I should be back by noon, then I'll take you home, alright?" Izuku nodded with a small smile, Izuku stood and quickly moved to hug Shota. Shota froze for a moment at the unexpected affection but he recovered quickly and hugged Izuku back.

"Alright, see you later," Izuku hummed pulling away from Shota, Shota nodded and smiled, maybe he wouldn't be able to push away these feelings after all.


There we go, our boys are a touch dense. also I'm updating chapter names so don't mind those, I'll let you know when I start rewriting some of the chapters. Anyways, it's 5:30 and I need sleep. See y'all later!

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