4 - fuck the streak

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Izuku yawned and shook out his limbs, he was going for a new record. His highest was 5 days, he's now on day five and slowly slipping.

He grabbed his bag off the ground and walked out of the school building, "Midoriya!" Someone called, Izuku turned to see Aizawa and Mic standing there, Mic was grinning and Aizawa had a serious look on his face.

Izuku walked over and smiled, "hey," he greeted. "When was the last time you slept?" Aizawa asked, "last night, about 4 hours. I was studying." Izuku lied, Aizawa didn't look convinced.

"Nice lie, come on." Aizawa said grabbing Izuku's wrist. "Wait! I'm trying to beat my streak!" Aizawa turned back to him, "what streak?" Hizashi asked, "5 days, I'm on day 5 right now, just a few more hours and I'll be on day 6 and the streak is brought up."

"Sorry, that's not happening." Aizawa stated making Izuku whine, "why not?"

"Remember what I said last time?" He asked and Izuku thought for a moment. "That Fishbait likes me?" "No." "Good morning?" "No."

"Oh! To watch out for him when I lay down because he likes to cuddle! Kinda funny you said that cause when I woke up you-" Izuku rambled, obviously missing the point on purpose. "No! Not that part!" Mic looked at Aizawa offended, "you really told him to watch out for me?"

Aizawa sighed, "no," Hizashi turned to Izuku and Izuku gave him a small nod. Hizashi huffed and crossed his arms, Aizawa turned back to Izuku with a serious face.

"Um," Izuku thought silently for a minute before it came to mind. "Oh! You said if I don't sleep for a week again you'll kidnap me again and make sure I sleep. Now that I think about it, it sounds kinda creepy not gonna lie."

Aizawa rolled his eyes and grabbed Izuku's hand, "awe, you coulda said you wanted to hold hands Sensei." Izuku cooed with a grin. Aizawa looked back at Izuku with a glare making Izuku snicker.


"Close your eyes," Aizawa muttered pinching the bridge of his nose, "no, I still have a few hours left." Izuku huffed crossing his arms over his chest.

Aizawa had managed to get Izuku back to the dorm, losing Hizashi somewhere on the way. Now Izuku is in bed and won't close his damn eyes.

"Fuck the streak, go to sleep." Aizawa growled making Izuku smirk. "What are you gonna do, cuddle me?" He asked snarkily, "if I have to." Shota dead panned making Izuku blush.

Hizashi walked into the room and plopped down beside Izuku. "Did I hear cuddles?" He questioned, "yup, Aizawa wants cuddles."

"No, no I don't." Aizawa argued from the other side of Izuku. Izuku nodded and mouthed, 'yes he does' making Hizashi laugh. Aizawa pressed Izuku face into the pillow. "Sleep, problem child."

Izuku rolled his eyes, "no." Aizawa let out an agitated sigh. "Sounds like you need cuddles," Hizashi stated with a smile. "I think he does," Aizawa agreed with a smirk.

"No, no I don't," Izuku argued as he realized he was stuck. "To late, it's already happening." Hizashi pulled Izuku into his chest as Aizawa wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist. "It's not gonna work." Izuku stated, the other two said nothing as they watched Izuku prove his statement wrong.

Within 10 minutes Izuku was out like a light.


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