Chapter One • Beacon

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The back wheels let out a feeble squeak as Beth pushed the trolley along the aisle floors. Past her sandy brown bangs, her large eyes skimmed the shelves of stocked baking supply goods, zeroing in on where the premium brand of corn syrup lay.

The 10% off sticker almost seemed to be winking at her from where it was firmly plastered onto the jar and who was she to deny it? Her hand stretched forth to grab two jars. Hell, maybe she'd even drop some of the cabbage she bought to get a third jar. Corn was a vegetable, wasn't it?

At the last second, she stopped. Recently, Reece would chasten her about how she needed to quit filling up her meals with overpriced 'gutter milk' as he liked to call it. She normally paid no mind, knowing he simply meant well but with him flying off for volunteering soon, she wanted to avoid making him irritated.

Begrudgingly, Beth withdrew her hand and trudged onward. Interrupting her course to the checkout, was a gentle buzz from her tote bag. She retrieved her phone and as she briefed the name flashing on the screen, an uncontrollable grimace crept onto her lips.

"Hey, mum," she said into the speaker.

"Are you done?" Her mother's perky voice rang out of the other end, wasting no time on returning greetings.

It hadn't been even up to an hour since Beth left the admissions' office- the timing was too convenient, no doubt the woman had organised for Dean Logan to report back immediately. The showers of praises and inquiries on her mother every five minutes in between was enough to guess he had a hard on.

"Yeah, all done," said Beth.


"And... It. Was. Great." She slowly enunciated each of the three words, hoping it would magically fill in for the lack of much else to say.

It seemed to do the job, her mother still sounding just as up-beat as she pressed. "Did he mention the apartment?"

"He did." It was more than a mention, the man had practically tried to shove the keys into her hands. "But, don't you think it's a bit much to not even be paying full rent? Some dorm's are still available and I'd save money on gas."

"And have you subjected to some measly unit with a complete stranger? Absolutely not."

Contrarily, Beth was hopeful for such a setting. The nightmares had started occurring again and sleeping with company usually helped ward it off. The last couple of nights home alone were hard enough to endure with her mother working overtime but if an issue challenged the job that enabled their cosy lifestyle, her mother turned a blind eye.

"Besides, Logan's told me plenty of times the place is just packing dust since the split and the lease is still valid for another several months. You'd honestly be doing him a favour," her mother insisted. "Also, normally the building manager is quite strict on tenants at least having a respectable career under their belts. So there won't be any unscrupulous neighbours to deal with and you can focus on your studies in peace, no matter the time. Isn't that wonderful?"

Beth mulled it over; subletting into an apartment building belonging to her mother's worshipper that's owned by a snob who hates young, jobless people for an entire semester. Yep, just wonderful.

Beth took a deep breath. She had to say it, it was now or never. "Mum."

"Yes, darling?"

"I don't think I want to go to Verdant. At least, not this year."

Dead air filled the other line. "... And why not?" Any trace of that previous warmth was inconceivable now.

The change was so sudden, it triggered a stutter. "B-B-Because, I-"

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