"I stole snacks... and cigarettes."

Start from the beginning


"Good thing I brought an umbrella with me," I muttered under my breath the same day, later at night.

I kept my big umbrella over my head as I exited the nearby supermarket, holding a small bag with my groceries with my other hand. It started raining for the tenth time that day, so even for a short trip to the supermarket I still grabbed my umbrella with me just in case, and it seemed like it came in handy.

While I was walking, being lost in my own thoughts, listening to the sound of the rain hit the ground and my umbrella and as I enjoyed the smell of the rain and petrichor, I felt someone appear next to me under my umbrella all of a sudden. I felt a strong, cold, bigger hand upon mine, forcing the umbrella to be raised a bit higher.

My eyes widened and I stopped walking to turn to look at the figure, but they pulled me forward, "Keep walking." A random guy whispered quietly in a low voice, hand still grasping the umbrella and my hand that was holding it firmly as he forced me to walk...

I turned my gaze to look at the hand and noticed a tattoo on it. Although I was intrigued by it -and terrified-, I heard the sounds of police cars running down the road woth the alarms going off and I counted at least three to four police cars passing.

The guy next to me grinned and I looked up at him... His eyes were yellow, making me shiver as they reminded me a lot of a certain someone... But it wasn't him.

This guy had dark brown or black hair, some specific front parts of his hair dyed blonde... I could see one golden earring dangling down one of his ears. He wore a black t-shirt and black pants... He was soaking wet from the rain, indicating that he had been outside for a while now. The guy was quite tall and thin and looked down at me, smirking.... He looked like a maniac.

"..... um." I said, staring at him weirdly. ".... Do I.... know you?"

"Nah." The guy replied, his voice low yet his tone playful as he grinned at me, before looking around frantically. His eyes narrowed when he noticed two police officers on our front, walking our way, one of them speaking on her radio.

".... cover me." The guy suddenly said and grabbed my hand tighter, making me wince a bit and look at him with narrowed eyes. "... did you do something?" I questioned suspiciously, after he clearly showed me that he was probably running away and hiding from the police.

"... I stole snacks." The guy said, looking down at me. "..... and cigarettes." He finished saying, keeping his hand inside his slightly full pocket of his pants that I took notice of. I narrowed my gaze at him. "Now act normal-" He spoke quickly as the proceeded to cut himself from speaking further the moment the police woman on the radio and the policeman started getting closer.

He just held my hand tighter and I instinctively acted natural as I walked with him, ignoring his tight grip on my hand and the umbrella forcing it a bit higher so he didn't have to bend down, but still in a way that obscured his face from anyone else. I felt myself getting anxious all of a sudden, as if I was becoming part of a crime I never meant to entangle myself in....

I did not support theft or any crimes and this guy looked like a complete weirdo... But I could not find it in my heart to snitch on him. After all, he was soaking completely wet, he looked cold and he had just stolen a few snacks and cigarettes like he had said. I didn't know anything about this guy, but the situation not giving me a long time to process and think the situation through, I ended up keeping silent and not snitching on this guy to the police.

The Apple Of Their Eye (-Yan-TokyoRevengers X FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now