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"My lord what is your plan of action with this little group we formed." Beta asked while both of us were alone

"Well I'm kinda stuck to Alexia since I'm her guard. But get shadow garden to send you any new intel about the cult and feed bits of it to Alexia. Don't give her the full picture so it keeps her thinking and partly in the dark." I said

"Understood my lord. it shall be done." Beta said

"As for the bushin festival..... well let's just say it'll be a spectacle." I said leaving it ambiguous since I wasn't too sure of my plans myself

"I'm sure anything you plan will go flawlessly my lord." Beta said

"Oh also my lord. Here is the katana you requested. Eta made sure to use the highest quality ether steel for it." Beta said passing me the katana

"Wow. Make sure to thank her for me. I can always rely on Eta to make me nice stuff. I'm sure the airship is coming along well as well." I said observing it under the light

"Will do my lord." Beta said bowing

"Cyrus!" Alexia shouted from the other room

"Welp duty calls. Just head back and rest for a bit Beta, you've done a lot the past few days." I said with a sigh

"Thank you for your praise my lord. But my effort is nothing compared to yours." Beta said bowing before taking her leave.


Right now I was in the Mitsugoshi with Cid, who was enacting the next part of his eminence in shadow plan. Which was to enter the bushin festival under a disguise as a weak looking guy. His plan was to make it far through the tournament and get people to be like woah this guy's pretty cool. Again I don't know how he comes up with these lame plans, but again I'm one to talk.

"So my lord just put this gel on your face to get this process started." Gamma said while Cid was sat in a chair with a machine above his head

"What is this gel?" Cid asked

"It is special gel which is easy to mould, so its easy to change your face with it." Gamma explained

"I see." Cid said as Gamma begun piling slime onto his face

I was currently sat next to Eta patting her head while she slept on my lap. The other of the seven shadows were like harem members, but Eta was like the little sister which I never had, who shared an interest in engineering. In fact this face changing machine was made by her.

"All done my lord." Gamma said

Cid's face now looked like a chipmunk with his fat cheeks

"Now my lord all you need to do is pick a face." Nu said showing him an album with a bunch of people's faces

"Hmm.... I want someone weak looking." Cid mused

"Weak looking? How about this one, his name is mundane man. He is a knight with unremarkable skills and was disowned by his family. No one knows of his wherabouts right now." Nu said

Mundane man..... what a name. It's almost too convenient

"That's perfect. Not just the face, but his whole profile works perfect." Cid said

"Very well let us begin." Gamma said clapping her hands

Somehow in her slumber Eta pulled the lever to activate the machine. This girl is something else. The machine covered Cid's faced and a bright light appeared and within a couple seconds the machine lifted off and Cid had a brand new tired and boring looking face.

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