Reborn in a new world with my best friend as my brother?!

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Heroes. Growing up everyone had the dream of becoming a hero, but their dreams soon die off as they grow up. Not me though, my obsession with becoming a hero never died. I had many heroes I aspired to be like. When I was young it was batman, but as I grew older I realised that Batman not killing the Joker led to so many unnecessary  lives being lost. Then there was the red hood, he was the next hero I looked up to, he was like batman but willing to kill. As I got even older and discovered the wonders of anime, I found what I was looking for the hero I wished I could become, Manjiro Sano. Many think he is a villain but I do not. He got the first good ending where most people lived in, before Takemitchy screwed it up. He sacrificed himself and his happiness and disbanded Toman all for the sake of his dear friends lives. But in doing so he broke all connections with his friends and gave into the darkness that so consumed him. He was in the most pain out of anyone in the series but he did it for the sake of those he cared about. Call me an edgelord if you like but I just loved Mikey's character and since I was 12 he was who I aspired to be like but on a larger scale.

My whole life I trained my body and mind in my attempt to become like Mikey. I mastered all types of martial arts but I would say I was most proficient in Taekwandoe and used it the most, obviously. I also trained my mind, there wasn't a single exam I couldn't ace. In my school life My heroic acts mostly were beating up drug dealers and gang members in the area as their actions harmed innocents. I gave myself the name the cool criminal beater, I know a pretty amazing name if I do say so myself and my hero costume was just my normal clothes but with an anbu black ops mask I got from a convention. I thought that I would have to keep my obsession with becoming a hero to myself and I wouldn't be able to talk about it with anyone, that was until I met the Stylish thug beater.

One day while I was beating up a biker gang, someone snuck up on me and was about to hit me with a pipe. But the pipe was blocked by a crowbar held by someone in a green jumpsuit and a bag on their head. Together we beat up the rest of the gang.

"I assume  you are the infamous Cool Criminal Beater? It is a pleasure to meet you, I am the Stylish thug beater." The person asked

Hold up why does that voice sound so familiar, wait is that cid.

"Indeed I am. Thanks for blocking that hit. I have heard about your heroic acts they are quite admirable. This is gonna be a weird question but Cid is that you?" I asked

The person flinched which I noticed, I guess it was Cid. I wonder if he was gonna admit his identity or not.

"Urk. I am Cid, if possible could you reveal who you are, I've also heard about your acts. Truth be told I want someone to talk about my interests with. This hero stuff is cool but if I told anyone else about it I would definitely be labelled as weird and not be the background character that I so desire." Cid replied

"Sure I was thinking the same thing, I am (y/n). We're in the same class." I said taking off my mask

"Oh that's perfect, I finally have someone to talk to. Well let's talk on our way home, I live pretty near you I think." Cid said

That fateful night I met my friendo for life Cid. On our way home we talked about our ideal hero, he wanted to be an eminence in shadow and I wanted to be a hero who stops crime by instilling fear and one willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. Our partnership continued all the way through Highschool, the crimerate in our city was at an all time low which was perfect. However, things started to get boring and both of us realized the ceiling in this world. In his case he realised that if someone dropped a nuke all his effort would be for nothing, in my case there was no way I could make a large scale sacrifice play or become the leader of the underworld like Mikey.

Present Day

"Shit I didn't study, there's another test today. How do you have time to be a hero and study, I wish I was as smart as you." Cid said with a sigh while taking off his shoes

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