Shadow Garden

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"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Cid laughed as he massacred the mountain bandits

"Yo could you kindly hand us all your treasure and shit." I asked nonchalantly

This was the debut of our new outfits, before this raid Cid was fighting people with a bag on his head and I had my mask. But now we finalized the design of our hero costumes. Both our outfits were pitch black. Cid had a hood and a long coat, under the coat he wore a suit of slime armour. I also had a black coat but under the coat I just had a plain long sleeve black t-shirt. Instead of a hood I opted for a mask similar to haku(from naruto) but with the main colour being black and purple accents.

Obviously the mountain bandits being the idiots they were tried attacking us, I showed off my new slime sword and Cid used the slime to slash at all the other bandits. We thought we killed all of them but one 'snuck' up behind me and tried slashing me. I obviously knew he was there the whole time so I just blocked with my slime sword.

"Wow your strong." I said nonchalantly


He the did a downward diagonal slash which 'landed'.

"owwwww so pain. Just kidding." I said as my body instantly healed and I sliced his head off

"Well that was easy." I said repairing my black t-shirt

"Indeed. Well at least we avenged the travellers I guess." Cid said

"Now if I was a mountain bandit where would I hide my loot." I said

"Over here." Cid said as he punched through a wooden crate.

"Damm we're rich." I said in awe at all the gold in the crate

"Hold up what is under that giant cloth over there." I said noticing the giant blanket over what seemed like a cage of some sort.

"Abra Cadabra." I said pulling the cloth off like a magician.

"What the hell is that." Cid said looking at the deformed piece of meat.

"Wait I can sense that its alive, let's bring it to one of the abandoned houses here." I said before effortlessly picking the cage up and bringing it to one of the houses.

"So can I do experiments on it. I want to see how much damage it can sustain." Cid asked

"NO! This thing used to be a person let's not do that. Wait let me try something I read in a book I borrowed without permission from Mom's room." I said sometimes I question whether my brother is sane or not.

I sensed a large amount of magic coming from the blob, and it felt like it was overloading with magic. Perhaps that's what caused the transformation. Well I've read about suppressing my own magic to make myself seem invisible from that book , but maybe I could suppress someone else's magic as well. I placed my hand on the blob and let my magic flow through it. My heart was like a tap where magic flowed from, to suppress it I had to turn off the tap. This meant that no magic could flow but it made me basically impossible to sense. But I needed to absorb some of the excess first before closing the tap in this blob. After a minute I suppressed the magic in the blob's body. 

The blob begun to shrink in size before a female elf with blond hair appeared. Her body looked no older than mine. As soon as the body appeared she went unconscious and started falling forward, luckily I was there to catch her. This was the first female contact I've had in my life not to mention she was naked, but luckily I was able to stop excalibur from rising with magic. Wait what do I do with her, I can't exactly bring an elf home, it would give rise to too many questions. As I was thinking Cid went and sat on top of the boxes trying to act cool. I guess I'll just wing it along with him. At that moment the elf begun to stir.

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