The sanctuary pt 2

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Back with Alpha and the others

"It's all white! What is it this time?" Alexia said shocked as they were transported to a room which was all white

Nelson was standing in front of Alpha, Delta, Natsume and the princesses in some new battle gear and a massive sword

"Where's Cyrus?!" Alexia said noticing I wasn't with them

"We've been separated. I guess this is another security feature of the sanctuary." Alpha concluded

"The sanctuary is our territory! You will rue the day you turned against the cult!" Nelson said as he began cloning himself multiple times

Delta was in her battle stance ready to pounce on the baldy. Delta dashed at the baldy clones and mauled them down in an instant.

"Something isn't right....." Delta said noticing her slime clothes were fading away

"The closer you get to the center of the sanctuary the more magic it drains from you!" Nelson said proudly

"Meanwhlie the closer you get to the center the stronger you get." Alpha deduced

"Indeed. I wish we could of got a bit closer. But this should be more than enough." Nelson said before cloning himself more times

"All this prey. Time for a hunt." Delta exclaimed before going wild

Back with me

"Hmm there's nothing here just a whole lot of dead bodies." I said wandering around the battlefield I was transported to

Suddenly I sensed two faint magic sources. I feel like I've sensed both before. Hmm..... I wonder who it could be. I guess I'll head in that direction.

As I got close I saw the two figures. It was Cid and Aurora. I'm guessing both of them have a sort of shared goal of escaping so their working together. Well I guess I have the same goal too. I wonder how Cid even ended up here? They were currently fighting zombie knights and scientists.

"I've spent a lot of time body building since I was a kid." Cid said chucking a zombie head at another zombie

"You're destroying them like a gorilla. Specifically a grown man chucking gorilla." Aurora said standing behind Cid

I guess she's pretty useless without her magic

"Don't you have any cooler metaphors." Cid joked

"If there was a tournament for humans without magic, you would win." Aurora said

"Well that's better, but its not true." Cid said

"There's people physically stronger than you?" Aurora questioned

"Mhm. well only one person." Cid said

This is where I decided to make my entrance, so I could get an ego boost

"Yo! What's this about gorillas?" I asked walking into the crater they were in

"Speaking of. This is the strongest gorilla. Cyrus Kagenou. Also known as my brother." Cid said gesturing to me

"I see. Your the strongest gorilla. You beat Beelzebub didn't you." Aurora asked

"Guess I did. Also please stop calling me a gorilla." I said shaking Aurora's hand

"So how do we get outta here?" I asked

"Well first we need to kill that child. But all these zombies are protecting her." Aurora explained

"I see." I said trying to unsheath my blade

Shit Beelzebub destroyed my precious katana, guess I'll have to do this gorilla style.

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