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The Ravenclaw common room was loud as the party raged on. Roger had thrown a party together and the planning started the moment Bea finished the task. Now, there she was, getting wasted with her friends.

"You're pretty Lucy," Bea drunkenly smiled. Lucy had just started dating Cedric and Bea just absolutely loved that. She thought Lucy was lovely and believed that she was a perfect match for her brother.

"Thank you, Bea," Lucy hummed. The Hufflepuff had downed a couple of drinks but she wasn't nearly as drunk as Bea. The Ravenclaw was a fast drinker and also a very affectionate drunk. She was constantly hugging people around her or complimenting them.

"Bea... and Lucy. My loves," Theo's speech was slurred as he approached the two girls. He had a drink in his hand and Bea could tell that he wanted to smoke.

"Theodore Nott," Lucy said, smiling as she took a sip of her drink.

"Fancy a smoking break?" Theo asked the girls. Bea giggled, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

"A smoking break, Theo? You know I'm always up for it!" She linked arms with Lucy, and the trio made their way out of the Ravenclaw common room and up to Bea's dorm. As they entered, Lucy shut the door behind them and Bea sifted through her trunk for cigarettes. Theo skillfully conjured a small, enchanted flame at the end of his wand, lighting their cigarettes as they sat somewhat in a circle. They could hear the muffled sounds of the party as they sat.

"Can we talk about how amazing Cedric and Lucy are?" Bea exclaimed between puffs of her cigarette. No matter how many times she said she was going to quit, everyone knew she wasn't going to.

"He's pretty special, isn't he? I feel like the luckiest person alive," Lucy blushed, a smile playing on her lips. Theo chuckled, leaning his back against Bea's trunk.

"Love is a magical thing," Theo said. As the night unfolded, the trio continued their smoking break, sharing stories and laughter. Bea's affectionate nature became even more apparent in her drunk state, as she granted compliments and hugs to her friends.

☾ . ☽

"Where's Bea?" Ezra's words were slurred as she slung his arm on Vada's shoulders, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"She's in her dorm, honey. Think she's with Lucy and Theo," Vada informed her boyfriend, her eyes watching Via and Evan. It was a weird pairing but the two got along weirdly well.

"Lucy and Theo?" Ezra asks. To him, the three hanging out was weird mainly because of Theo and Lucy. Lucy was a half-blood and everyone knew that the Nott's were blood supremacists.

"Yeah. Smoking probably," Vada shrugged not really caring. Ezra just sighed, his eyes flickering to Via and Evan as the trio came flying down the stairs.

"Via! My love!" Bea exclaimed, drunkenly giggling as she placed her hands on the girl's face.

"You need to stop smoking Bea," Via told the girl, her attention being drawn away from Evan.

"Not gonna happen. Have you seen Callie?" Bea asks, changing the subject. Callie was... possessive if you will. While Bea was aware of it, she loved Callie too much to really care.

"I saw her with Daphne earlier," Via said, her eyes scanning the common room. It was truly weird that Daphne had come to a Ravenclaw party but at that point in the night, no one was really questioning it.

"Oh! I see her! Thank you Via," Bea thanked the girl before she happily went to go see her girlfriend. She was clearly drunk but it was a party so who cared? Bea, being herself, just wrapped are arms around Callie's torso and took a moment to fully zone into their voices.

"Bea," Callie said, a hint of surprise in her voice that Bea didn't pick up on. Callie had been flirting with Daphne a bit behind Bea's back and she didn't want her to find out. She may not love her anymore, but Callie was planning on keeping her around for a bit longer.

"Hi! Just wanted to come see you!" Bea gushed, a light pink seeping into her hair. Bea was naturally a very loving person and due to her love for Callie, she was completely unaware of the fact that Callie didn't feel the same way. Due to her loving nature, it was very hard to get on her bad side. With how you looked at it, it could be a good or bad thing. Callie glanced at Daphne for a moment, an annoyed look on her face before speaking up.

"That's okay," Callie said, leaning her back slightly so it lay on Bea's shoulder. The Slytherin didn't feel an ounce of guilt for not loving Bea anymore. While she did love her earlier on, the only reason Callie asked her out was because she was a pureblood and not in Gryffindor. She knew that if Bea ever met her father, he would approve of her. In Bea's case, her parents didn't care who she dated as long as was happy and she was happy with Callie, for now at least.

"I need another drink," Daphne muttered, leaving the two girls and going to get a refill. Bea and Daphne almost never saw eye to eye. They were 'friendly' most of the time, yeah but they were never friends.

"Bea? Have you seen my brother?" Callie asked her. Callie wasn't a huge fan of physical touch so mixed with Bea's affection, she wanted away.

"Left him with like Via and Evan," Bea slurred her words together.

"Okay, I need to go talk to him for a few minutes," Callie lied. She didn't care what her brother was doing, she needed to get away.

"Okay! Have fun!" Bea said, removing her arms from Callie. She ran a hand through her hair, the pink fading back to brown, and went to get another drink.

a short bad chapter but its a chapter !!

ANNABELLE // Fred WeasleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt