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"Mum, I'll be ok. I'll just stick with Cedric," Annabelle Diggory told her worried mother. The Diggorys were at the train station getting ready for Cedric and Bea to head to Hogwarts. The younger sibling was getting fed up with how worried her mother was and it showed when her hair started to change to a dark shade of purple. The young Diggory was a metamorphagus - something very rare in the wizarding world.

"Mum, you're annoying her," Cedric told his mother who was unaware of her daughter's hair. Cedric was heading into his second year as Bea was going into her first year hence why their mother was so worried.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry," Evelyn told her daughter. The purple soon faded from Bea's hair as she hugged her mother goodbye. As she pulled away from her mother's embrace, Bea looked over to her dad.

"Bye Annabelle. Be safe," Amos said as he hugged the girl.

"Please don't call me Annabelle. I don't like it," Bea mumbles as she hugs her dad.

"I know, I'm sorry," Amos apologizes. Bea stays in her father's embrace for a few more moments before pulling away.

"See you guys at Christmas," Bea softly smiles at her parents before grabbing her trunk and following Cedric onto the Hogwarts Express.


Cedric and Bea were sitting in a tree as they waited for their guests. The siblings and their dad were going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys and they needed to pass the time. Yellow had seeped through Bea's hair as they were getting ready earlier that morning and it had stayed.

"Interested in anyone?" Bea asks her brother, a hint of mischief heard in her voice.

"Why do you care?" Cedric says, looking down at his sister. The older Diggory sat on a branch a bit above her sister as they spoke.

"Maybe I can set you guys up," Bea shrugs, eyes scanning the area around them through the branches. Bea, being popular at Hogwarts like her brother, knew a ton of people and she was known as being a matchmaker. The girl and some of her friends were amazing at setting people up together and she wanted to help her brother if she was able to.

"Lucy," Cedric simply said as Bea looked back over at him. Bea's face lit up when she heard this. Lucy Cooper was a Hufflepuff in her year who was also one of her best friends twin so she also happened to know who she had a crush on.

"Good to know," Bea chuckles softly, smiling to herself.

"What about you? Do you like anyone?" Cedric asked his sister. It was only fair for him to ask.

"I have a girlfriend, actually," Bea softly said, unsure how her brother would react. She was unaware of whether or not her family would be supportive due to them never talking about it. Bea, however, had a plan just in case.

"You do? Who is it?" Cedric asked, excitement heard in his voice. Bea was silent for a moment before she spoke up, she was just happy Cedric didn't mind.

"Calliope Nott - Slytherin in my year if you know her. Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't say anything, I promise."

"Arthur! It's about time!" the siblings heard their dad say. Bea's eyes darted to her dad before scanning the area. She had managed to see a couple of redheads through the branches.

"Sorry, Amos! Some of us had a sleepy start," Arthur said, glancing behind him at the group of kids who tiredly followed him. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone! Works with me, at the Ministry."

ANNABELLE // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now