Ch. XXII ✡Grand Reopening✡

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You had the ballroom floor designed in such a way that the painted pictures under the polishing tell the story of how those that joined together and fought against Heaven and succeeded, before joining hands once more to rebuild the hotel that everyone stands in now, celebrating its opening and enjoying the festivity.

Red and black curtains are tied back with golden rope, while Hell's crimson moonlight shines through the tinted glasses.

Hanging off the ceiling is a grand chandelier made from gold and silver with crystal glasses illuminating enough light for the whole room to be a sparkle of colors such as red--from the moonlight outside--and gold.

Off towards the front of the ballroom is a large stage that takes up a portion of that side, while on stage are shadows of all shapes and sizes playing instruments like pianos, violins, harps, etc...creating beautiful music for those to take the hands of the one they want and sway with them on the dancefloor to their hearts content.

As your gaze shifts to the right side of the stage, you can see a pale skinned, black-eyed, gray-haired demoness with sharp fangs protruding from her mouth, while she wears a red and black style Victorian gown as she holds a glass of wine in her hand, laughing at something the stranger beside her said.

Instinctively and in slight boredom, your eyes glance among the crowds of demon and demoness faces here. Practically all have been welcomed, minus those like the Vees, and some others who found no desire to join when realizing this is a formal gathering where drugs, lust and violence isn't prohibited.

So, even though the room is full, it is a thin crowd of simply those close to the staff people here.
Like if you must give example, you had invited your father, Zestial, who then invited Carmilla, who then invited her daughters.

And Alastor had invited Rosie, who then invited a few of her cannibalistic friends, who then invited their own friends. And so on, and so on. 

Towards the left side of the ballroom, you notice your father Zestial in conversation with Lucifer, both of them appearing content and pleased to see each other after going years without speaking.

A soft smile tugs at your lips, happy to see old friends reunite once more, and speak as if their conversation had never ended in the first place.

A sign of true friendship.

Joined together at the wine table ahead are Carmilla and her two daughters, all three of them wearing silver and black colored dresses, though Carmilla's is a little more decorative than her daughters.

Instead of her hair being tied into two pointed braids to resemble horns, it is wrapped in a bun with the two black ribbon ends dangling over the back of her exposed neck, while hanging off her ears are pointed earrings that look sharp enough to cut skin.

Her lace gloved hands are clasped behind her, the metallic ballet slippers of hers glinting in the chandelier light, as you notice Carmilla slightly sway side to side to the sound of the music that fills everyone's ears.

With an inhale of breath, you decide to approach her and her daughters, your first appearance to them in weeks. "Hello," you curtsy, "are you all enjoying the ball so far?"

The girl with more of a tanner complexion then her sister--Odette--approaches you, smiling wider than you've ever seen before when her eyes met yours. "I really like it," she chuckles as she takes your hands into hers and squeezes them encouragingly. Something she always does if she's ever excited or pleased.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora