Where it all begins

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I remember the first time I saw it. Tried to find the right words to describe it...but I couldn't. Nothing had prepared me, no books, no teachers, not even my own family. I heard a thousand stories, but none could describe this place; it must be witnessed to be understood, and yet I've seen it and understand it even less than before I first cast eyes on this place. New York City. Some call it The City that Never Sleeps, others The Big Apple, but those are just names invented by people to attract tourists. To me, it only goes by one name...home. A place where the impossible truly becomes possible, a place of heroes forged in Iron, soldiers frozen within time, and gods walking among men.

This place...is where my story begins.


Yuno walked down the streets of New York, his hands cozily stuffed inside the pockets of his winter jacket. Music bumped into his ears from the headphones that nestled snugly over them, drowning out the city's symphony of honking horns and bustling footsteps. His wild and spiky black hair fluttered in the chilly breeze as he navigated through the crowded sidewalks, each step echoing a sense of purpose.

As Yuno turned the corner the corner, the towering skyscrapers seemed to envelop him, their reflective surfaces capturing the city's dynamic energy. Neon signs blinked and buzzed, adding a vibrant glow to the dazzling scene. The cold air nipped at his face, a reminder that winter had firmly settled in the city before he finally reached his destination. A familiar alleyway opened before him, a narrow path sandwiched between two towering buildings. The dimly lit space contrasted sharply with the bright lights of the main streets. Yuno's steps echoed softly against the brick walls as he entered the alley. Not many would venture into it willingly, but for him, it held the entrance to a world he had discovered not too long ago.

The alleyway seemed to stretch endlessly until he reached a metal door at the far end. Yuno knocked twice, a rhythmic pattern that only those in the know would recognize, and after a brief moment, the door creaked open, revealing a burly bouncer with a shaved head and a stern look on his face.

Bouncer: About time you showed up. The match starts in 10 minutes.

Yuno shrugged his shoulders, unfazed by the bouncer's stern demeanor.

Yuno: What can I say? Lost track of time. It's not like it matters anyway; we all know how it will end.

The bouncer grunted, allowing Yuno to pass. As he stepped through the door, the ambient noise of the city was replaced by a different kind of chaos. The sounds of punches connecting, cheers from the crowd, and the occasional jeers filled the air. Yuno descended a narrow staircase, entering a dimly lit underground arena, casting long shadows on the walls as he walked through the crowded corridors. The muffled sounds of the ongoing fights grew louder, echoing all around the maze-like structure beneath the city even as Yuno entered his waiting area.

In the dimly lit room, Yuno found himself surrounded by a mix of fighters, each absorbed in their own pre-fight rituals. The air was thick with a blend of adrenaline, tension, and the metallic scent of sweat. Yuno took a deep breath, absorbing the atmosphere that felt both familiar and exhilarating.

He slowly removed his winter jacket and the undershirt underneath, revealing a well-defined physique sculpted through countless hours of training far before this point, but most interesting of all was the brown tail now wrapped around his waist. The crowd's murmur above ground intensified, signaling the start of another match.

Yuno knew it was his turn.

As he approached the arena entrance, the crowd's noise became deafening. The anticipation hung in the air like static electricity. Yuno took a final deep breath and smiled, letting the chaotic energy and excitement seep into his veins. The metal door before him swung open, revealing the blinding spotlight of the ring.

Spirit of a Hero and the Heart of a Saiyan: RebirthWhere stories live. Discover now