"What age did you lose your virginity?" Jasmine asked Magna. "15. and you?" "17!" Jasmine replied "A bit old don't you think?" Magna grinned. "What!" Jasmine replied. "I'm just messing with you." "I was 13 when I lost mine." Rosita chimed in. Our jaws dropped. "What? He was also 13." "Okay girl starting early." we all laughed.

"I was also 15 Magna." Jaime added. "And what about you Y/N?" Jasmine questioned. Everybody turned to look at me. "Um well I um actually" My ears turned bright red. "Holy shit! you're still a virgin?" They couldn't help but laugh. "Hey there's nothing wrong with that." Rosita saved me. "Just waiting for the right person, right Y/N?" "Yeah." I said shyly.

"Look sorry I'm not as slutty as you guys are." I giggled and they burst out laughing. "Look you're not wrong about that." Magna said then laughed again. If I wasn't so drunk I would've been more embarrassed, I was in my mid 20s and never had sex before. I mean I wasn't much to blame, there isn't really a great dating pool in the middle of an apocalypse.

After about 20 minutes of more talking I realized that I had to use the bathroom. I went back inside, and had to ask around to find out where it was. Once I finally found it, there was already a line of about ten people. I figured I was close enough to Rosita that she wouldn't mind if I used her personal bathroom.

I went up the stairs to find her bathroom. I had to open three or four doors to find the right room. Finally I opened one and it was Rosita's bedroom. It was a large room, blue and green themed. There was a large queen sized bed, neatly made up, it looked so cozy. There was a body length mirror and a dresser beside it. Atop of the dresser were a couple fancy perfume bottles, a jewelry holder and a large hunting knife.

I admired the decorations in her room before entering the bathroom, it felt so clean and neat. Very enjoyable peeing experience. I finished up and stepped out of the bedroom. Chuck was waiting outside of the door for me. I froze, and he sprung into action. He grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, he wrapped his hand around my mouth tightly, holding back the scream I was about to produce.

His other hand traveled along my body. I squirmed and tried to break free, he used his legs to hold mine into place. He leant in and whispered in my ear "Don't be shy, I know you will enjoy this." I tried screaming against his hand. I thrashed my body around, using the strength I had against him. I was so disoriented. "The more you struggle the rougher it'll be." He let out a wicked laugh. I bucked my body again.

He started the kiss my neck and the moving down lower to my chest. I was becoming enraged, I thrashed again and the hand covering my mouth slipped out of place, I grabbed his arm and pulled It away from me. I tried to call out for help but no one could hear me over the sound of the music. I dug my nails into his wrist and he grunted, I felt his body loosen the hold it had against mine.

He attempted to cover my mouth with his again. When his hand got close I opened my mouth and chomped down on the side of it. He yelled out in pain "You stupid bitch!" The coppery taste of blood filled my mouth. He raised his fist to swing at me, I ducked down and dodged his punch. I gave him a shit eating grin in return of the shocked look on his face. I may of been a pretty girl that night, but I was still a fighter, a survivor. I had learned a thing or two out in the wild, I've dealt with men like him before.

He looked down at his hand that was leaking blood from the bite mark I gave him, I hope that shit scars. I charged forward, swung my leg back trying to build as much force as possible, letting all of the momentum swing right into his crotch. He yelped in pain, falling to his knees and cradling his soon to be swollen nuts.

I took the opportunity to run down the stairs. The party was still loud and bustling, my head was swarming and aching. I pushed through the crowd until I was at the front door. I swung it open and basically threw myself outside, I felt the cool air on my skin and took a deep breath. I walked to the side of the house and leaned against the wall, breathing in and out calming myself down.

I had to of been in that spot for a good twenty minutes. Now all I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed. I left and began my walk home. I was still paranoid, looking over my shoulder every five seconds making sure HE wasn't following me.

Soon I passed a large brick building, and on the other side of It were giant logs and multiple axes laying astray. I had heard plans of the community building new houses, they must have just started working on it.

Negan was cleaning up chopped wood that had fallen out of a large red metal trailer, the guard was sitting on the ground, leaning against a brick building completely knocked out. It had to be 10:30 by now. He was illuminated by the bright light on the front of the building. I observed him as he bent down and grunted, picking up a large piece of wood. He flung it over into the trailer along with the rest. He must of felt me staring because he looked over at me. "You just gonna stand there, creepily in the dark, watching me?" He had a bit of an attitude. I stepped up into the light, his expression changed when he realized it was me.

"Well what happened here?" I said with a smile. "Some dumb ass didn't close the latch, tried to move the trailer and of course it all spilled out, now I'm here cleaning this shit up." He said with a sigh. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my chest. "Well you're all dolled up, what's the occasion?" his lips curled into a devilish grin. "Rosita threw this party... it's still going on actually." I looked at the ground avoiding his eye contact. "What are you doing here talking to me?" "I guess you could say parties aren't really my thing."

"Talking to scary prisoners in the dark is your thing then?" he replied. "I'm not scared of you." He chuckled at this. "And why is that?" "Because I know you're not going to hurt me." He looked at me with wide eyes "No promises sweetheart." He said chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him. "You keep stalking me and you're gonna get yourself in trouble." He added. "what? I am not stalking you!" I said defensively. "Uh huh." He said as he picked up another piece of wood.

"I'm gonna be out here all night if you keep distracting me." "You want me to leave?" He then looked up at me "No." I smiled down at him "Aww is someone lonely?" I was drunk but realized that might've been mean to say to the man. Of course he was lonely, who wouldn't be in his situation. He was silent for a moment, he had a serious look on his face. He then smiled and looked over at the sleeping guard. "Nah, I've got him to keep me company." I giggled a little too hard at his joke.

He threw another piece of wood onto the growing pile, "You been drinking?" he asked me. "Maybe a little." I giggled a bit more. "You're a bad girl. And here I thought you were all innocent." Heat rushed to my cheeks. His eyes glinted and he stepped closer to me. He was a couple inches away, he was staring down at me, with that beautiful grin of his. "There's a lot you don't know about me."

He didn't respond and just kept staring down into my eyes, I started to feel really nervous. "You're beautiful, you know that darlin?" My eyes widened. "Really?" He glanced down at my chest. "Mhm." he murmured. He slowly grabbed a piece of my hair and rubbed it between his fingers. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I didn't know what to do next, or what he was going to do.

Suddenly the sleeping guard started to shift around and grunt as he began to wake up. The two of us froze, we just looked at each other. I finally stepped away, Negan rushed back to finish his job. I Quickly walked away, it was time to go home. My walk turned into a run.

You're no good for me - Negan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now