"Never mind," he said finally, after pondering his words. It had been a very bad idea to come to Devon.

For his part, Devon wanted to insist, but he held back and dropped back on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"I thought you'd be organizing something for Bella. Tomorrow is her birthday, right?"

Edward let out a laugh that sounded more like a snort.

"She wants me to pretend it's not her birthday, just another day. Of course, Alice organized a surprise party for her. I guess she already invited you."

Devon nodded, recalling how excited Alice sounded when she told him.

"She tried to convince Charlie and Amy to do the same, but it didn't work completely," he smiled, "mom already made her a big cake and expects me to get up early to go to Bella's room and sing her happy birthday or something."

Edward smiled a little, and all his features seemed to relax.

"It sounds nice."

There was another silence, but this time, it felt uncomfortable.

"I like that Ronan isn't afraid to show his feelings," Devon spoke in a low voice. "I like that we can hold hands without either of us caring if anyone is watching or give each other a kiss anywhere without caring about what others might murmur. It makes me feel... safe."

It made a lot of sense. Edward still refused to fully acknowledge his feelings while Ronan roamed the world without any fear. Whether it was men or women, Ronan had no qualms about expressing his feelings.

"Sorry," Edward muttered.

Devon sat up on the bed and looked at him with confusion. He didn't expect to hear that word from his mouth.


He shrugged.

"For not being clear about my feelings in the beginning. I guess I was just... scared. Not sure why or of what, but... I was."

"And you're not anymore?"

Both looked at each other in silence for a moment.

"Not as much as before."

"But now, you're with Bella."

Edward returned his gaze to the floor, and neither said anything more for a good moment.

"Did you know... did you know that Ronan controls the thoughts I can read?" Devon looked at him in confusion. "Unlike the rest of the people, whose thoughts I can easily read without trying... Ronan can freely choose what he wants to show me. It's very annoying. I guess it's a brother thing."

Devon realized something he hadn't thought about before.

"Ronan, does he have any ability like yours or Alice's?"

Edward seemed confused.

"He didn't tell you?"

"No," he shook his head.

"I'm not entirely sure if it's a real ability, but his sense of smell is ultra-sensitive. It makes him an excellent hunter, and he can smell his prey from an incredibly impressive distance. He led us directly to James's location by following his scent when he attacked Bella. It's practically impossible to hide from him, although he faces the same issue as me when I'm in a crowded place. For me, there are too many voices in my head, making it really annoying and giving me a terrible headache. For Ronan, it's like feeling dizzy from the smells. He says each person has a different scent, and he has never smelled two identical scents—they may be similar but not identical, and Ronan can identify each of them. It's stronger with people he's closer to."

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