The journey was very quiet, but Jasper drove non-stop through the night and well into the morning. It was a surprise for Devon to realize they had covered a great distance in such a short time. They only stopped at a hotel to wait and figure out their next move.

Things got complicated when they learned that James, the tracker, had realized they had tried to deceive him, and this time, he was following the real path to Isabella.

And they got even more complicated when Isabella suddenly disappeared.

Devon received a call from Ronan, informing him that he was coming with Carlisle, Emmett, and Edward to their location.

Devon also set out for the girl's location with Alice and Jasper. It was easy to find her scent, but they had to wait until the sun disappeared before going out.

Arriving at the ballet studio, Edward was already there, fighting against James with Ronan's help. It was strange to see Ronan so serious, but even stranger to see both brothers working together as if they were close war buddies.

Devon approached Bella, who was on the ground, writhing in pain. He didn't know what to do; he felt truly stunned by the situation.

But then Carlisle approached to attend to the girl along with Alice and Edward.

"You have to decide, Edward," Carlisle said. "Are you going to transform her or not?"

Edward seemed indecisive, internally debating.

But Devon placed a hand on his shoulder, and all the voices in his head ceased. They looked into each other's eyes, and Edward felt calmer, capable of thinking.

"No," he finally said and looked at Carlisle. "I'll extract the venom."

Devon removed his hand, letting Edward do what he needed to do. The voices in Edward's head returned, but he didn't dwell on it when he took Isabella's arm and bit into it to extract the venom.

"That's enough," Carlisle said. "You have to stop, or you could kill her."

But Edward seemed unable to stop.

"Edward," Devon called, placing his hand on his arm. Edward felt like he was landing back on Earth and was able to release the girl. "She's okay. Everything is fine."

Edward nodded, still looking at him, and let Carlisle take care of the rest. Ronan didn't miss a thing from that little interaction, but decided to ignore it for now.

Things relaxed after that. It was easier to fix the mess. Devon was the first to stand up and walk away when the flames that were burning James' body extinguished. He also helped clean up the mess and went with Bella when they took her to the hospital.

Alice took care of telling everyone the official version of the story.

Bella's mother arrived at the hospital first with her husband; later, Charlie and Amy arrived, very worried. But everyone was relieved to know that Bella would be okay.

All the Cullens, except Edward and Carlisle, returned to Forks. Ronan also decided to go with them, knowing that his presence wouldn't help. Anyway, he would see Devon another day.

Devon sat in the waiting room with a cup of coffee in his hand, taking a couple of sips, even though it was the worst coffee he had ever tasted. It had been a short while since Bella's mother announced that the girl had awakened, and everyone went to see her—everyone except Devon.

He couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Edward was genuinely concerned about Bella; he really seemed to love her. But then, where did that leave him? He just wanted Edward to tell him to his face that he didn't want anything to do with him, so he could move on without that tiny hope that something might happen between them someday.

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