"We should listen to some music," Ronan said and turned on the radio, but Edward turned it off immediately.

"I don't want to," he said, staring fixedly at the road.

"You're so boring."

The only reason Edward agreed to go with Ronan was that he didn't want Devon and him to be alone. It's not like he didn't know that before they hadn't spent much time together alone in Devon's room, but it was something he categorically refused to accept.

The journey remained silent; Edward accelerated as much as possible, and Ronan limited himself to looking out the window. Even if he talked non-stop, Edward would ignore him completely.

They arrived at the Swan house in record time, following Edward's speed signals as much as possible.

Ronan was the first to get out of the car and ran straight to the front door with an irritated Edward following closely.

Bella was the one who opened it, furrowing her brow at Ronan but smiling as soon as her eyes met Edward's. Apparently, Isabella had no idea that Devon would also go with them, but it was something she had already imagined.

The girl took Edward's hand to take him to her father. She hadn't introduced him formally as Bella's boyfriend, and she thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

Devon also descended the stairs and met Ronan at the entrance. Ronan let out a bright smile upon seeing him, while Devon shook his head amused.

"Are you ready?" Ronan asked, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"I'm always ready."

Edward and Bella headed to the entrance with Charlie behind them, and he looked at Devon with a furrowed brow.

"Are you going too?"

"Yes. Ronan invited me to go with them," he explained.

Charlie nodded not very convinced. His little ones were growing up too fast, and he didn't like it at all. He considered Devon his little one, even though he had only known him for a few months.

"Alright," he muttered and looked at Ronan. "I hope you treat my boy well," he used a warning tone he only used at work.

Ronan let out a little laugh and didn't hesitate when he passed his arm over Devon's shoulders.

"Don't worry, Sheriff Swan. I promise to take very good care of Devon."

Charlie nodded.

"Alright. So... have a good time. Have fun and don't come back too late."

"Maybe it's your chance for a romantic date with mom," Devon told him, raising and lowering his eyebrows. "Since Bella and I arrived, it seems like you haven't had much time alone."

Charlie turned red immediately, which seemed quite adorable to everyone present.

"Mhm... sure."

Without further words, the four left the house. Edward threw the keys to Ronan, who caught them in the air.

"You drive," he said casually as he opened the back door. "This time, I'll be the copilot."

It was Edward's technique to prevent Ronan and Devon from being together because if Edward drove, Bella would want to be the copilot, and Devon and Ronan would go together in the back.

Ronan furrowed his brow, quite amused.


The four got into the car, and this time Ronan talked non-stop, although most of the conversation took place between Ronan and Bella. The latter wasn't very happy about being so far from Edward, but she tried not to think about it for too long.

"Since when do vampires like baseball?" Bella asked neither of the two brothers in particular.

"Well, here, it's the favorite sport, and... a storm is coming," Edward smiled a little as he looked at the girl through the rearview mirror, "only then can we play baseball. You'll see why."

His eyes went to Devon's, but he quickly looked away.

The journey was quite short after that. Ronan was a more cautious driver than Edward and took great care because there was a human on board.

They had left the road and followed a fairly rough dirt one that made Bella jump quite uncomfortably. Finally, Ronan stopped the car, and in the distance, they could see the rest of the Cullen family.

"It's good that you

've arrived," Esme said as soon as they were in front of her. "Bella can be our referee, and we need one more person to bat," she looked at Devon, "we're all excited to see how good you are."

The others were running and playing on the field; it seemed as if they were in some kind of warm-up.

"In fact, we made a bet," Emmett spoke as he approached them. "Jas says I won't be able to catch your ball."

Devon let out a big smile.

"We'll see about that."

They set up the teams, and they quickly took their positions. Everyone agreed that Devon should be the first to bat, and he did. They waited for Alice's signal, and as soon as she threw the ball, Devon hit it with all his strength.

He started running to each base while Emmett and Edward went after the ball, but Devon was faster and managed to make a complete run. Jasper didn't miss the chance to claim the money his brother now owed him.

And everything was quite fun. Even Edward, who had arrived with a grumpy face, was having a great time with his family. That was until three quite peculiar vampires arrived.

Edward's first reaction was to protect Bella from those intruders, and all the Cullens did their best to hide her. Even Devon and Ronan, who didn't want Bella to get hurt in any way.

For a moment, it seemed like things were fine, even though the atmosphere felt tense. Edward and Bella were about to leave, but suddenly, the vampire who had introduced himself as James tried to attack Bella.

It was Laurent, another one of those strange vampires, who prevented a fight from breaking out, but everyone knew that things had already become quite complicated. And when the nomads left, Bella and Edward did the same.

Devon stayed in that field, not completely sure of what had happened, but he was sure it wasn't anything good.

Devon stayed in that field, not completely sure of what had happened, but he was sure it wasn't anything good

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