Chapter 5: Red Heels

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After a frenzy of explanations and calling the doctor's, Chris sat up in his bed, broke up with his now ex-girlfriend, and reassured Sienna that it wasn't her fault and she wasn't the cause of his breakup.

"You must be Miss Amelia," Chris greeted as the room settled down. Amelia smiled and waved a hand at him. "My brother told me that you were the one that saved me,"

"I was just doing what anyone else would've done. I'm just glad I didn't crush your ribs," Amelia replied with a smile on her face. Someone knocked on the door. Oliver walked in wearing his white robe.

"I ran a few tests so I can assure you your ribs are fine," Oliver said with a smile. He walked over and ruffled the young boy's hair before taking the clipboard by the end of the bed and signing it.

"Ollie, can I please be discharged today?" Chris asked, hopeful. He wanted to continue practice with his friends for the basketball game next month.

"As soon as you stop calling me 'Ollie' I'll sign the papers," Oliver teased before nodding to Liam and the others and taking his leave.

"Yes sir!" Chris replied energetically.


Oliver frowned as he did the last stitch. He finished up the rest of the surgery and left the surgery room. He sat on a chair right outside the room, his head hung low.

"Congrats, Dr. Sun, your skills are only getting better every day," another doctor said, patting Oliver on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Sun," a young woman that looked their age with black hair said. Oliver looked up and glared at her.

"Last time you almost left a cotton inside a patient's body, this time you almost cut the wrong side of the patient's chest, what's next? Will you forget to put a bone back in?" Oliver seethed.

He was rarely this angry with any of his co-workers but this one has been getting on his nerve recently. He was about to go on break when another doctor paged for him because Dr. Chen, the woman in trouble, had argued with the surgeon assistant that the patient's heart is on the left side instead of right. It was a rare case, but she should've known had she paid more attention that it was indeed on the right side. She wanted to cut open the patient's chest on the left side and the doctor had to call Oliver, hoping he could put some sense into her.

"I'm sorry," Dr. Chen said. Oliver could tell that her hands were shaking. She was probably scared.

"Go take a break, Chen. We'll take care of this tomorrow morning," the doctor that sat beside Oliver said. Dr. Chen nodded her head before leaving.

"That woman is either going to get herself fired or kill a patient one day," the other surgeon added, shaking his head before walking away, leaving Oliver to his thoughts.


The room was dimly lit. Candles were set in the corner, but some of them have been blown out. A girl sat in the bathtub, the water pinkish and translucent from the bath bomb she had thrown in earlier. She checked her reflection in the mirror, making sure her hair looked good before calling out to the living room.

"Owen! Can you hear me?"

"Yeah?" Came the confused reply. Owen walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"I don't think I'm feeling well, I might faint if I stay in here any longer, can you help me out?"

"Are you dressed?" Owen asked, slightly opening a slit in the door so she could hear him better and to let out a bit of steam.

"Hurry, I think I'm fainting," the girl said. Owen opened the door and helped the girl stand up. He wrapped her in a towel near the door and put her arm over his shoulder, trying to prop her up. Her knees gave out under her and she stumbled before Owen picked her up completely and walked into her bedroom with her in his arms.

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