Chapter 3: Motorcycle Accident

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Amelia went home that night and started organizing. She drew out a timeline and wrote down the things that she was sure was going to happen along with a bunch of names and question marks. Except trying to not marry that bag of trash, there were a few events that worried her, including the accident that will eventually happen after Liam and Sienna gets together. She needed to make sure that something was done so her best friend doesn't suffer the same fate as last time and live the happy life she deserved.

That night, she spent all her time trying to figure out the possibilities of how she could change things. It was a dangerous game she was playing, practically trying to change someone's fate. But she was sure there should be something she could do to make sure everything worked out just fine.


As days passed, Amelia spent most of her nights turning on her bed, unable to sleep as she tried to mentally prepare herself for what's about to happen. If she remembered correctly, there was another accident that will happen soon. The more they approached it, the more she felt nervous about it. To the point where it triggered her chest pains again, and the shortage of breaths felt like she was drowning underwater.

As the following week began, the first day was another shooting day at the studio. Amelia got to work a few minutes late, earning a few curious glances. She let out a sigh of relief after making sure everything was working as supposed to and headed towards the staff resting room for a cup of coffee. Someone knocked on the door, interrupting Amelia mid thought.

"Can I come in?" The person shouted from behind the door.

"Sure," Amelia replied, setting down her cup of black coffee. Owen walked in with a bag in his hands.

"You don't seem like a black coffee type of person," Owen said, putting the bag on the table in front of her. Amelia gave him a small smile, which probably looked either really tired or really stressed out.

"I'm not. It's been a long week," Amelia replied. Owen took out the contents of the bag, revealing a grape soda in a can and a chocolate cake.

"And it's only Monday!" Owen exclaimed. Amelia smiled again but didn't say anything.

"These are for you," Owen gestured to the cake and the soda. Odd thing to have first thing in the morning, but Amelia wasn't going to say no to free food.

"Thank you, Owen. I better get to work though," Amelia said, getting up. She put the contents into the small fridge and grabbed her jacket before heading out again, leaving a confused Owen in the room.


During break, Sienna walked over, asking about the cake and the soda. Amelia shook her head with a laugh.

"Owen came over in the morning and gave them to me,"

"Oh," Sienna said, giving her a smile.

"No, Sienna. You know I don't like chocolate cake and grape sodas," Amelia replied, knowing her best friend, Sienna was planning their wedding and first child's name in her mind already.

"At least he got the brand right though," Sienna said, noticing the shop name on the side of the cake box and the brand of the soda. Amelia pursed her lips and shook her head. She was about to go back into the filming area when her vision spun and she caught the back of the sofa to support herself. The spinning stopped quickly after, but it left Amelia confused.

"Are you okay?" Sienna asked, noticing how weird Amelia was acting. Amelia nodded her head and tried to give the most comforting smile she could.

"I haven't been sleeping great," Amelia admitted. Sienna patted her on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

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