"You should come," Angela insisted, "it will be fun."

Bella looked at her with a mischievous smile and, for a moment, glanced towards the Cullen's table. She had also heard that they would be at the party, and maybe she could muster the courage to go if they were there.

"I'll think about it," she finally said.

Lunch ended, and everyone returned to classes.

Saturday arrived quickly, and Devon was already getting ready to go out. His shoulder still ached, but it was bearable enough to go out and have some fun. Either way, he didn't plan on getting into fights or overdoing it with alcohol.

It was almost eight when Devon left his room with his helmet in one hand and his jacket in the other, hiding a couple of bottles of tequila and whiskey with it.

"Don't drink if you're driving," his mother reminded him sternly when she saw him coming down.

Devon looked at her. It was true that driving in Forks was already quite dangerous just because the roads were always damp and sometimes even frozen. But he also wanted to drink as much as possible.

"I can take you," Bella's voice came from behind, and he looked at her. She seemed ready to go out. "I don't like drinking, so I can be your designated driver."

Devon gave her a smile.

"Oh, thanks, Bella."

She nodded with a tiny smile.

"Then go have fun," Amy told them, "Charlie will be back late, but don't overdo it. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to call me or Charlie, okay?"

"Agreed," they both said.

Devon left his helmet on the couch and went out with Bella to his truck.

"If you want, I can drive on the way there, and you can drive back," Devon suggested.

Bella thought about it for a moment before nodding and tossing him the car keys. Devon revealed a big smile as he caught them in the air, and both got in. It was a short and silent drive, silent in a good way. It wasn't uncomfortable or strange. Devon understood that Bella didn't like to talk much, and that was okay.

They arrived at Mike's house, and Devon was a bit surprised to find it quite large and nice. It wasn't a mansion or as spectacular as the Cullens' house, but it was big.

There were already several cars parked outside and everywhere. There were also several people in the front yard with red cups in their hands, and the music playing inside was actually not bad. Devon parked the car a bit farther to avoid any mishaps and got out with Bella. Both walked in silence, although Bella seemed very regretful to be in that place. Devon noticed it and stopped walking before getting closer to the entrance.

"Bella, you don't have to be here if you don't want to," he spoke gently, "if you don't like being in these places, it's okay. Don't feel responsible for bringing me. I can ask someone else to take me back home, or I could stay here until tomorrow and come back when I feel better."

Bella seemed grateful for Devon's words but ultimately shook her head.

"I'm fine; I really want to be here."

Devon frowned worriedly but nodded, and they continued walking.

Both entered the house. The regular lights were off, replaced by flashing blue and purple lights everywhere. There were many people Devon didn't even remember seeing at school, but everyone seemed to be having a great time. Both walked through the crowd; Devon had taken Bella's wrist so that she wouldn't get lost or crushed among the people. Bella mentally thanked him. They both reached the kitchen, the only room with the lights on. Mike, Eric, Angela, and Jessica were there.

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