"If something was bothering you, you should have told me, idiot," he muttered but kept the note.

He then opened the wooden box and found many pictures he had taken of Eugene. Some were only of Eugene, but there were also several with both of them. There were also various trinkets that Eugene had probably saved from their dates and gifts Devon had given him. Devon didn't hold back or wipe away the tears that began to flow again.

He stayed in the city for a few more days with Margo, helping her with the kids since she had given birth to her second child and seemed to be going crazy on her own. However, he had to go back home.

But before returning, there was still a little matter to settle. That morning, when he was supposed to go back home, he left his old home after saying goodbye to Margo, promising to let her know when he arrived. However, his first stop before the airport was his old school.

There was a small altar in honor of Eugene. Devon stared at it for a moment and then continued on his way. No one seemed to notice his presence much, and that was good.

He walked through the halls, with a little over twenty minutes left before classes started, so he had enough time to carry out his mission.

He reached the men's bathrooms, the ones farthest from the entrance, practically on the other side of the school. Just as he had imagined, there was Gerald George. The guy whose cheek he had broken and the reason his father decided to send him to his mother. Gerald still had a part of his face bandaged, and the bruise was still clearly visible. However, he was with his other five friends, and all six were bothering a poor freshman who was probably just passing by.

Devon felt a sudden anger, and without hesitation, he approached them with clenched fists.

"Not even after I broke your face, you stop being annoying," Devon spoke with more calmness than he thought.

Gerald froze instantly upon hearing Devon's voice and slowly turned to look at him. He looked like he had seen a ghost, suddenly looking much paler. The other five also seemed confused, and the poor kid took the opportunity to run away.

"It seems like you didn't learn your lesson last time," Gerald spoke with confidence.

Devon let a smile show.

"It seems like you're the one who didn't learn your lesson. Besides, today there's no one to defend you. No one knows I'm here, and..." Devon sighed as he took out a sheet of paper from his jacket pocket, the photo his mother had shown him. "I would like to know if it was you who distributed these sheets."

The little courage Gerald had acquired vanished suddenly, and he even felt like he was about to faint.

"I... I..." he couldn't even speak. "I didn't mean to... I... that was..."

It was obvious that Gerald felt guilty about Eugene's suicide, but Devon didn't care at all. He was going to make him pay, even if he couldn't kill him.

Devon put the sheet back in his pocket and stared at Gerald.

"If you or any of your buddies tell anyone about this... well," he smiled, "it's better if that doesn't happen. Understand?"

Gerald could only nod with tears in his eyes.

"Good boy."

Devon stood up and left that place. He didn't want to admit it, but he did feel a bit better after hitting him. Who the hell said revenge was bad? When it actually felt pretty good.


Upon arriving at Seattle airport, he was greeted only by Charlie. It was Thursday, so Bella was probably at school, and his mother was at work.

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