"It's this way," he indicated for her to follow, and she did.

Once they were in front of the classroom, Devon bid farewell to the girl and headed to his own class. It was going to be a very long day with Bella becoming the new toy of the school.


During lunch, Devon was sitting with Angela, and Eric was in front of them talking about something that Devon hadn't been paying attention to. Angela probably barely understood what her friend was saying, but everyone let Eric keep talking.

It didn't take long for Jessica to arrive and take a seat next to Devon. Mike also joined, talking animatedly to Bella as if they were the best of friends. Devon smiled a bit, seeing the girl, and was glad they were at the same table.

Bella, on her part, seemed very relieved to see Devon at that table. She wouldn't have liked having to try to talk to a bunch of strangers. However, not more than a full minute passed when a guy approached the table quite fearfully and looked at Devon with a hint of panic. He was smaller than him, almost looked like a kid, but that couldn't be possible.

"Excuse me, are you Devon?" he asked, and everyone at the table, including Devon, turned to look at him.

Devon tried to smile kindly to reassure him, and it seemed to have worked. The poor guy still seemed fearful but not as much, maybe just a little nervous now.

"It's me. Is everything okay?"

"The principal sent me to call you. He's waiting for you in his office with your mom."

Devon furrowed his brow, a bit worried, but he stood up immediately without waiting for more words from anyone. He hurriedly left the cafeteria without anyone knowing about the fight the other day. Or did they? Even if they did, they shouldn't scold him at school.

His mind was in complete chaos that he didn't even notice when he passed by Edward Cullen, and he looked at him with a furrowed brow, debating whether he should go with him or not since he could hear his thoughts and how worried he seemed.

He decided it was better to continue on his way to the cafeteria and maybe see him later with the excuse of delivering his shirt, which rested in a bag on the passenger seat of his car, and making sure he wasn't scolded for the fight the other day.

But Edward was also a bit confused when he heard someone say his name. He could recognize Jessica, who was with the new girl. Isabella. He tried to read her thoughts, but there simply was nothing.

Devon walked down the hall to the principal's office; a secretary was outside and quickly noticed the guy's presence.

"Are you Devon?" the woman asked.


The woman seemed worried and maybe apologetic, but the guy didn't understand what was happening.

"Go ahead; they are waiting for you inside."

Still confused, Devon approached the principal's office and knocked softly a couple of times. The door opened only after he heard a soft 'come in' from the other side.

He swallowed audibly, a little fearful of what might happen in that room because he didn't want to get into more trouble like he had in his previous school. He first peeked his head inside, seeing his mom's back and the principal behind his desk.

The woman turned to look at him, and she didn't seem upset or angry. Rather, she seemed sad.

"Is everything okay?" he asked after entering completely.

"Take a seat, Devon. Please," the principal indicated, pointing to the chair next to his mom.

He did as instructed and impatiently waited for someone to say something.

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