"What's this?"

"It's your welcome gift," Charlie spoke up.

He opened the box and found a key inside. At first, he seemed confused, but he quickly understood what it was.

"It's..." He couldn't even finish his sentence.

Amy and Charlie smiled. The woman more than the man.

"It's outside."

"I thought we were going to buy it next weekend."

"Well, we decided to give you a surprise. Besides, you don't have to pay anything. It's a gift, although Margo chipped in to buy it. So, don't forget to call and thank her later."

Devon smiled, showing his teeth, and approached his mother to give her a hug.

"Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Charlie."

Charlie bent down a bit to pick something up and handed Devon a black helmet.

"I don't want you going around without one of these."

"Understood, Sheriff."

He took the helmet excitedly and rushed out of the house. There was the motorcycle, and it was much better than he had in mind. He was planning to buy a simpler one since his budget wasn't that high, but it was a Kawasaki. Completely black. He smiled even more if it was possible and got on.

"It has non-slip tires," Charlie's voice was heard from the entrance, "but you still need to be careful."

"I will. See you later."

He waved and started the motorcycle after putting on the helmet. It was much better than he expected.

The trip to school was quick, and maybe later, he would take a detour to explore the town and continue testing his new motorcycle.

Fortunately, there weren't many students yet. He still had to go to the coordination office to submit his documents and get his new schedule. Finding the secretary's office was easy, and she didn't even try to hide her surprise when she saw the big bruise around his eye. First, she looked at him with panic and then with disgust. She probably already knew who he was and the reason he was at this school.

Devon smiled with some discomfort.

"Here you go," the woman said, handing him his schedule along with a map of the place. "At the end of the day, you need to bring back this sheet with the signatures of all the teachers you'll see today."

"Very kind."

Devon turned hastily to leave that place. He would have loved to stay with the helmet on or at least wear sunglasses. But with the excitement of his new motorbike, he had even forgotten about the bruise on his face.

Now he had to face his new classmates. There were more people than when he arrived, and just as he expected, he quickly noticed the murmurs and curious looks. It was a small town, and in that school, there were no more than five hundred students in total, compared to his old school with over two thousand students. It was a really large school. And this one was too small.

He looked at his schedule for a long moment, then at the map, and finally at the hallway. Realizing that he had no idea how to get to his classroom, he sighed and decided it was better to keep walking and ask someone who didn't seem to be looking at him with fear.

He walked just a couple of meters until he saw a girl leaning against a wall looking at a camera. Devon was a photography enthusiast, and just for that, he decided that this girl seemed nice. He approached her cautiously so as not to scare her, as she seemed very focused on her things.

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