Tony reunited

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Tony stark is a prisoner to the people who took his weapons while tony is not helping them like canon but he actually have a reason to fight back for his son, of course he got got help by Yinsen
Tony-so got a family

Yinsen-yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you stark?

Tony-yeah, a son

yinsen-what's his name


yinsen-like the monkey king


yinsen-heheh you must like wukong

Tony-it's hard to explain it but let's just say he like the name when he was a baby

yinsen-who's the mother

Tony-her name is... gine, she was nice and kind but she pass when she give birth, she wanted me to take care of him the best of my ability, I hope I'm a good dad

yinsen-tell me, how you feel about your son

Tony-I felt happy not how I felt but just happy and I change my ways because of him, I  hang out, play, and talk to him, I really enjoy it but sometimes I'm busy or tired and... and I felt like I'm a terrible father

yinsen-does your son understand

Tony-yea, he does he listens, he cheery, he's kind, and better than me but I... I

yinsen-your a good father, if son is all of that then you did good as a father, I felt the same with mine, how old is your son


yinsen-you'll get out of it, if we play smart

Tony-we will get out
They work on it but not a missile but an armor, they work on the plan and the suit when it was time they attacked but of course there was problems like the armor wasn't fully ready, this wouldn't be a problem if they have time which they didn't they were attacked. yinsen made a plan with his life in it, he use one of guns and shoot them down give Tony some time, sadly it didn't last long but thanks to the time the suit was ready. He attacked the terrorizers until he found yinsen with bullets holes who could die in any moment

Tony-come on, We got to go. Move for me, come on, we got a plan, we're gonna stick to it

Yinsen-this was always the plan, stark

Tony-come on, we gonna see our family, get up

Yinsen-my family is dead but yours is not, I'm going to see them now stark. It's okay, I want this, go spent time with your son
Tony is grateful for his sacrifice
Tony-thank you for saving me

Yinsen-don't waste it, don't waste your life, spent it with your son
Tony will for yinsen but right now he have to fight which he did he stop them and destroyed his weapons eventually he found help, it was Rhode but with that how's goku. When he heard of his father missing he been not himself he eat least and when he work out, he does it with anger and regret but of course thanks to pepper and happy he went back to himself sorta still sad but not angry, one day goku lay down in his bed, he heard a knock
Goku-come in
It was pepper
Goku-hi pepper

Pepper-hi, great news


Pepper-it was your dad, he survived and he's here

Goku-what really
She nods which goku can't believe
Pepper-happy is outside ready for you

Goku-then what are we waiting for
He ran to car and pepper join, they went to the area and they saw the plane which Tony is in, they got out of the car and saw him
Goku-da... dad... DAD
He ran to him of course not attacking him just a hug because he saw a cast, he hug him not wanting to let go

Tony-hey sorry being
While yes a joke but he was gentle was happy to see him also not wanting to let go
Tony-I'm sorry, I'll do better

Goku-I'm just glad, that you are okay

Tony-are you hungry

Goku-I can eat

Tony-then let's go to Burger King
He talk with pepper want a talk to the people of course wanting a burger. He got a burger with his son, stain was there of course, he was "happy" to see him
Stain-you had to have a burger, yeah? Well, come on. You get me one of those

Tony-there's only one left for me and the 15 is for my son
Stain look at goku
Stain-you look better

Goku-I am
When tony was at the stage but sitting down with him son
Stain-ok, let's get started uhh
He look down at tony and goku
Tony-hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down? Why don't you sit down? That way you can see me, and I can... a little less formal and
They did sit
Tony-good to see you

Stain-yea, good to to see you

Tony-I never got to say goodbye to dad. I never got to say goodbye to my father and If I did died I never said goodbye to my son
He kiss goku's forehead, which got goku wondering why is he bringing this up because he barely mentioned his father
Tony-there's questions that I would have asked him, I would ask him how he felt about what his company did, if he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels, I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them and I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability

Reporter-mr stark

Stark-hey Ben

Reporter-what happened over there
Tony got up with carrying his son
Tony-I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up and that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of stark international
Which the reporters got up and have to ask him more, stain grab tony trying to move him
Tony-until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be, what direction it should take, one that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country, as well
They begin to shout at tony to ask him more
Stain-what we should take away from this is that Tony's back and he's healthier than ever, we're going to have a little internal discussion and we'll get back to you with the follow up
They walk off and went to the car
Goku-hey dad, can I ask something

Tony-of course you can, ask me anything

Goku-you sure about this, I mean I get it and I'm glad but you were always take this business in to a good care and wouldn't people talk about this

Tony-I'm sure, they can't harm me and I would live with that plus let them talk, people will always say stuff and as long I have something that important to me then who care what others say
They shared a smiled
Tony-but one thing, I gonna see something first but when I'm done we'll do something, something crazy

Goku-okay dad

Tony-happy drop me off first then take goku back but I want you back here when your done

Happy-of course
They hug and when tony is drop off, they wave but goku and tony is glad to see each other

Hey guys, the writer is here hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I do but I do kinda wish I dive goku's sadness more but I didn't know it was 3 months until I wrote/type it because I thought it was couple of days and I didn't want to erase it an started over (I also felt lazy) but still hope you guys enjoyed it anyways that's all see ya

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