After that, the Malfoy girl goes to leave the common room. She hasn't spoken to Cedric in a while and wants to amend that. Before she's out, she hears Ron and Harry mocking Hermione for when she told Celeste and the twins off. The blonde girl, with a flick of her wand, makes the boys' open books slam closed right on their noses. She smirks when she hears "Ouch!" from the boys. Hermione has her morals and Celeste has hers.

"Celeste!" Fred shouts. "Where're you going?"

"To the Library with Diggory! 'See you!" And she scampers off to see her friend.

"Already getting into trouble, I hear?" Cedric chuckles as his Gryffindor friend approaches.

"It's just Percy," Celeste defends with a smile.

"I could hear him screaming from three corridors down."


The thirteen-year-olds walk to the Library, catching up and laughing. Celeste can't help but notice how handsome the boy has gotten over the summer holidays. She doesn't linger much on the thought as she continues talking to him, everyone thinks Cedric Diggory is handsome.

When they arrive, girls from other tables look up at the two as they walk in, sending glares to Celeste and longing stares to Cedric. Both are rather uncomfortable, but they're used to it. Everybody's in love with Cedric and hates Celeste. That's how it's always been.

Phoebe Rosier, flawless as ever, marches up to her fellow third years. Her face is friendly, but her intent is anything but. "Aww, how cute! Diggory and Malfoy." She coos, malice in her brown eyes.

"Good afternoon, Rosier," Cedric greets, politely. The platinum blonde sitting beside him tenses up. Not out of fear, but out of anger. Celeste can't stand Phoebe, not since they stopped being friends.

"It was a good afternoon, wasn't it?" She sweetly responds.

The golden boy looks at her with a perplexed smile, still trying to be friendly.

Without being asked, the dirty blonde explains exactly why it's no longer a good afternoon. "I was peacefully studying my schoolwork when I was suddenly plagued by a splitting headache."

"I'm sorry about that, Rosier. Did you need to visit the hospital wing?"

"Not yet," she says shortly, with a tight-lipped smile. "You see, I did some reading and I think I found the cause." She smirks at Celeste, who is visibly getting more agitated by the second. "In Painful Craniums and Possible Causes by Orville Hopkish, it explains that a possible cause for headaches as severe as my own is bad blood. Now, I don't believe that is the cause of my headache. More than likely, it's dehydration."

"Then why, in Merlin's name, did you go through with that whole explanation?" Celeste asks, annoyed and glaring right at Phoebe.

The Rosier girl's smirk switches to a concerned, well-meaning expression that Celeste can see is fake. "I was actually worried about you, Malfoy. Wondering if you'd been having any terrible headaches."

"Why would I be having headaches?"

"The headaches are caused by bad blood, as I previously mentioned. And, if I recall correctly, your blood is rather traitorous." The dirty blonde smiles sweetly, but Celeste can see the cruelty in her eyes.

The platinum blonde is about to jump out of her seat and teach the Slytherin girl her place, but is interrupted before she can even manage to stand up.

"That's enough, Rosier." Cedric puts an end to the conversation, finally understanding why the girl came over to them in the first place.

"Alright, I'll leave. Just looking out for an old friend..." She walks away, a smug smile on her features as she does so.

After the girl leaves, Cedric turns to his friend, his face full of concern. Real concern. "Are you okay?"

She's not. But she forces a believable laugh and answers him. "All of that? Just to try and get a rise out of me? She's pathetic." She says loud enough for Phoebe to hear from a few tables down. She smirks when she sees the girl's brown eyes narrow, ever so slightly, as the words register.

"But you're okay?" He asks again since she didn't really answer the first time.

She smiles at the boy. She's grateful that he cares. "'Course I am, Diggory. Watching her sorry attempt at passive aggression was the funniest thing I've seen all day. And I watched a rainbow Percy Weasley run down the corridors, screaming." She smirks again, once more noticing Phoebe Rosier's eyes narrow at her words.

The thing about being enemies with her ex best friend, is that she still knows how to get under her skin. Phoebe has always wanted to be big and bad. Always wanted to be perfect in the eyes of her pure-blooded peers. Her pride is her biggest weakness. Making her sound like a pathetic little try-hard is the best way to hurt her.

Cedric smiles, mostly convinced by the blonde's explanation. "So," he begins, "did you understand anything about the Divination essay due next Tuesday?"

"'Haven't the foggiest," Celeste happily states.

"Wonderful," the Hufflepuff boy groans. "We're doomed."

"Was that a vision?!" the Gryffindor girl sarcastically gasps, poking fun at Professor Trelawney, the Divination professor at Hogwarts. The bug-eyed woman has a habit for predicting doom and destruction for her students. Celeste actually kind of enjoys having Trelawney as a professor, loving the dramatics of it all.

The two third years spend the rest of the day studying and goofing off. Over the course of their friendship, their mutual influence on each other has done wonders for the both of them. Cedric has gotten more laid back and fun to be around. Similarly, Celeste has gotten better at understanding and keeping up with her schoolwork.

Anyone that knows them can see that the two are good for each other.

I Lived - Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें