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JUNE 5TH, 2024
5:10 AM

Tossing and turning in her bed, she found herself being incapable of sleeping. Her thoughts had been suffocating her for hours. Being careful not to wake Chantelle, Jasmine, or Angelina up, she silently exited her bedroom.

Cold ice water should be refreshing enough for her to just feel calm for a moment..until she sees Zayden smoking a blunt inside the kitchen. "Nigga I know you are not smoking inside of my house! Gon have my shit smelling like straight weed for hours!"

He can tell she's feeling some kind of strong emotion. "If I go outside you coming with me. Fa real, we gotta talk", he demands, giving Katiana no other choice.

She told herself that she refused to go with him, but yet here she is.. inside of Zayden's car with him. "Pass it", she says. At first he's confused, but then he realizes she's talking about the blunt.

They hotbox the car knowing that it would reek of weed afterwards. He wouldn't mind anyway. "You aight? I heard you pacing around all night, I just ain't wanna bother you", he breaks the silence by asking about her mental wellbeing.

"Just stressed out that's all", she sighs, coughing a little bit due to the smoke. They both take turns passing the blunt, being careful not to fuck it up.

"Why'd you leave town after you got off of house arrest?", Katiana questioned.

He usually doesn't speak about this, or any of his feelings at all. But with her, it's different. He trusts her.

"I don't know, shit. I hadda get out and it had to be somewhere far. You remember my uncle mike? The one in Colorado? Yeah, I stayed wit him for a while", he looks at her with a sense of hurt. Talking about this pained him.

"I missed you. I just don't want you getting into any trouble again", she says as her eyes begin to water. He hears her voice tremble and crack. He already knows that means she's crying. His soft hands wipe her running tears, sending chills throughout her entire body.

They eye fuck each other for a good minute. Zayden's eyes are low, red, and filled with pure lust. Katiana's are red, along with the same kind of lust that he feels.

Though this seemed kind of wrong, they don't care. Voicelessly, he pulls her in for a kiss. Their movements interlink, following in sync. A slight moan escapes her from her mouth as he puts his hand on her thigh. Smoke is still overflowing the car. They're both as high as a cloud. "Get in the backseat ma", he stops kissing her for a brief second just to say that.

She crawls into the backseat, where they continue to make out at. Before this goes any further, he stops to ask her for her full consent. She gives him the green light by nodding, putting his hand back on her thigh.

His fingers creep up her inner thigh like a spider. Giving that she was craving him, she bit his lip while kissing him. He moaned as he put his hand into her shorts. From that point, he figured why not just put his hand in her panties too.

"Fuckkk you're so wet", he rubs her clit with his thumb while sliding both his pointer and middle finger inside of her. The sounds of her wet pussy and her moans are turning him on even more.

"Don't stop please", she whispers into his ear while grabbing onto his shirt tightly. He tries to pull her back in for a kiss, but her moans interrupt every kiss they attempt to give each other. Although nobody's around to see or hear this, she's still being cautious. Katiana feels nothing but paranoia and hormones every time she's high.

"Look at me ma", he lifts her head up and forces her to look into his eyes as he thrusts two fingers into her. Maintaining eye contact is hard for her to do, but for him, she'll do it. His pace increases, making her moan so loud that it echoes inside the car.

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