extra - background of characters

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Katiana is introverted. Quiet. Prefers to be at home most of the time. Hates being the center of attention. Very selfless and caring.  Sweet but with a hot, hot temper. She may seem like she wouldn't hurt a fly but if you tempt her enough, she might.

Her trauma consists of attachment issues and the fear of abandonment, as well as trust issues from her childhood. Her defense mechanisms are to shut down and push people away or leave before they can leave her. But in reality all she wants is to be loved. She's never been loved in a relationship, at least by how she recalls it. Now into her adult years, she's majoring in journalism. She takes writing more seriously than her own life, and she's very big on self improvement.


Janae is very outgoing, straightforward, and extroverted. She's the goofy friend, and she also loves to party. The biggest thing that her and katiana have in common is their tempers. They're easily irritated.

She doesn't exactly have any trauma, just the fact that she has detachment issues. One moment she'll be hurt by something, the next she no longer cares about it. Everyone calls this her 'future phase' because future is known to be nonchalant. Never gives a fuck. Janae is that exact way. Janae can easily understand people because she's been through it before, and she can guide them through the journey of healing. She's majoring in psychology.


Jasmine is the baby of the group. She causes no trouble, stays out of peoples way, and rarely ever does anything that's considered 'too grown' for her, even though she is technically grown. She likes going out but she likes a calm and relaxed environment.

Her life story is quite happy. She grew up with two loving parents in a big house, and she was always loved. Her issues aren't as noticeable as everyone else's because she's got them under control. Her major is business.

Angelina is the therapist friend. She's naturally calming, her aura is alluring, and she's easy to talk to. Unlike other people she has no problem with defending people, even if she doesn't even know them. The thing she hates the most? A bully or someone who doesn't know how to respect others.

Despite her being positive, her childhood is very negative. She dealt with heavy abuse, resulting in her having to be put into therapy at the age of eleven. She was admitted into the psych ward at the age of 16 after her self harming got out of control. It wasn't just the self harm though. She had attempted to end her life. The things that trigger her are also the things that make her a stronger person. Her major in college is psychology because she plans on becoming a therapist. Her inspiration for that is Doctor murphy, the therapist who saved her life.

Chantelle isn't called messy boots for no reason. She's always instigating drama. You'd assume she's apart of the FBI because of how much tea she has on everyone. She is THE official party girl, always bringing a blunt or a bottle with her everywhere she goes. She's also a shopaholic.

She doesn't really have any trauma besides watching her parents argue a lot when she was younger.. which is why drama is a topic that she's used to. It doesn't phase her. But she's quick to end up in some kind of fight or argument because of her slick mouth. Her choice of words are lethal, and she never cares because it's usually deserved. She's majoring in criminology to be a lawyer.


Cameron is really never at home. He enjoys being around his friends, his girlfriend, or his little sister Katiana. When he's not around them, he's playing football. Football has been a serious sport for him ever since he was a little kid. Once he graduated, they offered him a scholarship for his football career. He stands on three important principles. Honesty. Respect. Loyalty.

Like Katiana, he also has trust issues. He has a healed, sunken scar on his back from being seriously injured in a fight in high school. Not just an ordinary fight though. He was stabbed. It nearly costed him his life and his entire football reputation. Ever since that incident, he had been defensive over his feelings and his wellbeing. Sometimes a little too defensive though. He can become easily cold. It's not something he can help though. There's also some kind of PTSD episodes that he struggles from but he refuses to ask for help when they happen or even tell anybody about them. Like everyone else, he would rather pretend it never happened.


Zayden is the most complicated character out of them all. He often spends his time playing basketball, hanging out with his family, or exploring quiet places that he can just sit and think at. His feelings are something he doesn't like to talk about unless he really trusts you. He's had a toxic past that he tries not to look back on, and any time he's reminded he shuts down.

His childhood is the reason why he is the way that he is. His father used to take his anger out on both him and his mother any time they'd make a mistake. Or just any time he'd feel like it. Because of that, Zayden ended up being a hothead. He didn't get along with other kids, he'd cause problems. The only kid who saw him for who he truly was, was Cameron. At home all he knew was anger and fights, so that's what he represented. When his mom left his dad, she immediately put Zayden into anger management classes. It built him into a better person by the time he was in high school, but relationships haven't really been his thing. He had gotten into a serious relationship and she cheated on him. The one person who he really trusted, besides Cameron, had betrayed him. It had been the cause of his anger issues to worsen. He ended up getting caught up in a fight so bad that he had to wear an ankle monitor. After that he ghosted everyone. That explains why Katiana hadn't seen him in years.


Jovonnie is always doing something stupid just for the fun of it. Like expected, he ends up in bad situations because of this and Katiana is always there to help him. He's also the baby of the group, but more of the prankster one. There's never one moment around him that isn't funny. He plays a lot of pranks, and he pushes all rules aside. Despite his dumb behavior, he's very smart. Graduated as a valedictorian and an honor role student.

His parents have always pushed him to the extreme to make good grades. This caused him to overwork himself and exhaust himself. One day, Katiana found him unconscious due to his pill addiction. This situation occurred due to the week before his last SAT. His mother had told him that he wouldn't get anywhere in life. That he would be a failure just like his father. He wanted to prove her wrong, so he stayed awake for nearly 2 days straight to study. His girlfriend had encouraged him to drink alcohol, not knowing that he had already been on pills. After he graduated from high school, he never picked up another bottle of pills or alcohol again. He never once even thought about doing anything too out of line. Katiana is a big influence on his positive decisions.

if you're reading this page, thank you. this took a lot of time and effort. enjoy the next chapters, readers. <3

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