"One day, we will open up our own ramen restaurant!"

Start from the beginning

".... She's nice."


I pushed the door open and walked in the silent, big library room of our school. It was not a place I used to enter often, but I had to admit it had a nice feeling to it. Looking around me in the bookshelves were all kinds of book related to school, educational books but also other kinds of literature and fiction. Maybe it would be nice if I decided to borrow a few books at some point...

Walking a bit further, I soon noticed Kisaki. He was already seated on a big table with five chairs. He was looking down at his notebook, scribbling a few things, before he raised his deep, almost soulless gray eyes and finally noticed me.

I gave him a tiny smile and wave and slowly walked towards him. "Hey..." I said quietly and slowly sat next to him, placing my bag next to him and slowly pulling my books and notebook out.


The past two hours finally passed.. Thankfully a bit quicker than I expected.

I had to admit, I was ass. We would go through many types of exercises that I did not even know some of the basics, so Kisaki had to teach me even more 'basic' things that I was already supposed to have mastered. I was surprised by his patience and how he did not even look annoyed or angry at my stupidity.

... Or maybe he hid it well, who knows.

But he patiently worked with me and I actually found myself understanding some of the things he showed me. Of course I made manu mistakes and I felt stuck in many situations, but he always helped me out, pointed my mistakes and made me restart some exercises over and over again until I mastered them.

Although it was a bit awkward between us, since we barely ever had spoken despite having some classes together, it was the first time I had heard Kisaki speak for so long. He was always quiet and spoke really briefly and only when needed. But now, he was speaking like an expert teaching me math, in a way that made me shocked. This guy could definitely become a mathematician and it would not surprise me if he actually turned out to become one.

But as far as I remembered, he actually aced in all lessons.

We both picked up our school things and exited the school library together as we finally finished our first tutoring lessons.

"Thank you for your time, Kisaki." I thanked him with a nod, him just staring at me with his usual timid and distant gaze. "Things actually started to make out more sense now that you explained them to me."
"No problem," Kisaki nodded back to me. "Just make sure to study these exercises again." "Yeah, I will. Have a good day, Kisaki." I waved bye at him and started heading towards my house as he went his way.


That day, after I studied for a bit, I decided to down the day with my brother. We stayed in his room playing video games together for a few hours before we decided to go out for a walk around, just walking and talking together, catching up to our news.

Then we got bored and decided to go to the arcade together.

Thankfully, this time and day, the place was not really crowded, giving the two of us more space and more options for the games we could pick. So, we immediately started playing our favorite games, having fun and mocking each other for a while.

The Apple Of Their Eye (-Yan-TokyoRevengers X FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now