Resurgent: Prologue

Start from the beginning

After that, he finally made contact with Chairman Sakayanagi to talk about the plan.

"Sometime later, Chabashira-sensei reached out to me, saying that you'd like to get in touch. And on the 13th of August, we finally got on a call while you were on the cruise ship. After giving my approval, Chabashira-sensei explained the details of your plan to me." (5)

Ayanokouji asked the chairman for a favor. 

First, he'd have him contact the Sakuragaoka Academy's School Board and relay some concerns regarding Kushida Kikyou and the incident. Ayanokouji's goal was to deceive not just Ryuuen, but the entire student body. In order to not cause any damage to Sakuragaoka itself, only the ones who use ANHS's network will be able to access the news page of their website for a certain amount of time. In other words, it will be closed to the public. So, any changes that happen within the page will only be known by ANHS students.

"As planned, I handled Sakuragaoka Academy's Board of Directors on the 3rd of November. Kikyou-kun is indeed an auspicious student, so it's not like we've told any lies. Thanks to your preparations, my meeting with them went well," said the chairman.

"Not at all. If it wasn't for Chairman Sakayanagi's identity, I doubt the higher-ups of Sakuragaoka Academy would entertain the proposal." Ayanokouji shook his head.

Apart from his reputation and authority, the chairman proposed that the school deems Kushida as a promising student. However, she could not overcome her past. He said that some changes related to her are about to happen and his request will greatly help Kushida's development as a student. 

Of course, it wasn't easy. The chairman may have been powerful, but Sakuragaoka's Board of Directors was still cautious, and they wanted to know all of the details. According to Ayanokouji's instructions, the specifics of his plans on their news page should be hidden from those narrow-minded old heads if possible. He predicted that they would end up prying too much should they find out he wanted to create a fabricated article containing Kushida's "fake past" as well as a public apology post.

In the end, the thing that convinced them was the fact that Kushida's potential graduation as an accomplished student of ANHS (along with Horikita Suzune) would give their school a lot of prestige. This was a very attractive outcome, and they were about to see its first example with Horikita Manabu being dubbed as the greatest Student Council President in the history of ANHS. If two more of their former students graduate with similar accolades, Sakuragaoka's reputation should see rapid growth in the years to come.

Around this time Ryuuen had also started moving forward with his plans. After eavesdropping and recording Kushida and Ayanokouji's conversation, he found out about the former's true nature. Ryuuen managed to use the recording as a bargaining chip to destroy the contract compelling him to cooperate with Horikita's class should they demand it. (6)

While it is true that Ayanokouji didn't sense Ryuuen's presence when he was hiding, his appearance was still within his expectations. In fact, things would still be in his favor because Ryuuen finding out about Kushida's true nature would make him curious about her past. And of course, this is what Ayanokouji wanted.

After that, Ryuuen finally started putting pressure on Kushida. He was locked in on uncovering her secret past, and on the 5th of November, he finally bought the necessary information from Chabashira-sensei. He found out about the name of Kushida's middle school and saw all the information needed to use against her. (7)

On top of that, he prepared the location where this final confrontation would happen. His large-scale attack involved many classmates and even weapons. Ryuuen wanted to go all-out. (8)

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