12| A silent sacrifice of the Chauhan

Start from the beginning

She did not pack anything else.

Shefali glanced at the open window of her room and saw the dark sky with little stars scattered all over.

The thought of living in a little house in the border hills far away from human civilization somewhat intimidated her. There will be no one with her to give her company.

She had never even stayed in her house alone let alone in a place like this. Shefali felt her stomach twist in fear.

She took a deep breath and looked at the mirror one last time before heading out of the house.

So many people were already gathered around the gate to see her off.

She held the clothes tucked into a little pouch close to her bosom as she walked toward the open gates.

It was a sight she had not seen since she came here.

Three men were holding wooden poles that held a net cloth on them. Another man was holding the same in a distance. They were standing in a way that if she walked out and the remaining man stood behind her with the pole then she would be caught in a net box or cage.

She looked one last time at Barkha and walked slowly towards the gate.

"No matter how exceptional you think of yourself. Some things are unchangeable no matter who you are"

A girl whispers to the other and they break into silly laughter.

Shefali tries to not pay any attention to their constant comments and keeps walking ahead.

Chote Chauhan was sitting in his room with Rajveer, Soheb, and Devansh plotting the map of the border of their territory trying to plan their voyage for tomorrow after today's failure in finding the intruders.

He was talking to Rajveer and practically arguing against Rajveer's resolve on a certain matter when a shooting star on the tiny scrap of sky that was visible from the place he sat on took his attention.

Out of habit he sat up, leaving the conversation in vain, and walked into the balcony with an admirable smile.


Soheb called out in frustration.

"In a moment"

Says Eshant dismissing his brother's friend, unbothered.

He searches the sky to see if he finds any more of the enchanting phenomena he saw just now. His head moved from one corner to the other when his eyes caught hold of the crowded scene on that part of the boundary.

He was about to turn around as there was nothing new about it when, after a week or even more, he saw Shefali walking out of the house with a few others.

His head hung in that position without his knowledge.

A tiny curl appears in the corner of his lips but then they turn into a frown with equal swiftness.

His eyes move with her as she steps into the net cage trapped between four men as they walk her away from here.

His grip on the railing of the balcony tightens.

He sees her imprint through the curtains as she walks away.

Everyone scatters away and the door closes slowly.

Where are they taken again? He tries remembering but as he never paid attention to any matters regarding them, he had actually no knowledge of it.

"What is taking so long?"

Devansh walks into the open balcony.

"Bhaiya (Brother), Where are the women of the brothel taken in that net thing?"

𝟏𝟓𝟐𝟗: 𝐀 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐣𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚| Indian Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now