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After the first Official News, the couple of days that followed went without any problems. Between more classes with Jang-mi, afternoons spent in the Great Hall, and times when the selected could stroll in the garden, the days passed smoothly.

Mid-morning today, Jisung is ready to start the day. It's Thursday, but despite this, they were informed yesterday that they would have the day off, without routines or schedules, but they had to stay all day in the Leisure Hall.

So, Jisung decides to take the opportunity to wear the black sweatpants and hoodie offered by Minho for the very first time, even though the prince asked him to only wear them on Saturdays. But if today was going to be an exceptional day off, without cameras and duties, surely there would be no problem, right? Since he received the garments, Jisung spent the days counting the seconds to finally be able to use the prince's wonderful gift. If plans changed, Jisung could always replace his clothes in an instant.

Jisung slowly makes his way downstairs, a little tired from having gone to bed late last night. The last couple of days have been a bit chaotic for the prince, so Minho and Jisung didn't have many opportunities to be together. However, last night, Minho had made the famous gesture of communication between them when they were sitting down to take their meals, and after dinner, as promised, the prince had taken Jisung to the garden as was their routine by now. As they went a couple of days without talking to each other in private, Jisung and Minho didn't even notice the hours passing by, going to bed late to make the most of each other's company.

Even before Jisung arrives at the Leisure Lounge, he can hear the rumble of other people's voices. As soon as he enters, Areum grabs his arm and drags him to two brown armchairs at the back of the hall.

"Finally, Jisung! I've been waiting for you," she exclaims.

"Sorry, Areum. Yesterday I went to sleep late and today I was a little too lazy to get out of bed. I thought my servants needed a crane to get me out of the blankets," Jisung explains, earning a playful smile from Areum as an answer.

The Seven girl gazes at him, probably noticing the remnants of sleep that still adorn Jisung's puffy face, but she decides to talk about the comfortable, casual outfit he is wearing instead.

"Oh! Were these the clothes prince Minho offered you? Wow, they're amazing," Areum praises.

"I know! I have dozens of hoodies at home but I've never worn anything like this," Jisung's voice perks up a little. "But why were you waiting for me? Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Areum hesitates, biting her lip as they sit. There was no one else around, which makes Jisung assume that what the girl wants to tell him must be a secret.

"Actually, come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't tell you... Sometimes I forget that we're competing against each other," she entwines her fingers in her lap.

"I understand that you feel reticent, Areum. But at the same time, I think we could be great friends. Actually, I can't see you as an enemy, you know?" Jisung smiles apologetically.

"Yeah. And I feel the same way! I think you're adorable and people definitely love you. You'll probably win..." Areum looks a little dismayed at the idea.

He? Han Jisung? Win the Selection? Jisung has to control himself not to laugh at these words. If she really knew...

"Areum. Can I be honest with you?" He asks in a sweetly sincere voice.

"Of course, Jisung. You can say whatever you like," she assures, moving her chair closer to Jisung's .

"I don't know who's going to win this. It could be any one of us in this room, honestly. I think we all think it's going to be us, but I know if I'm not the chosen one, I want it to be you. You really look like a generous and fair person. I think you would make a great princess. Frankly," he finishes. It was pretty much all true, right? It's not like Jisung is lying. At least not in terms of his intentions toward Areum. He wanted her to win this.

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